World GG-2100: Nothing is Too Advanced for the Actor AU!

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A world where technology had advanced so fast that AI could now become partnered with humans. The Aura Weaver Production Studio takes advantage of this new technology, bringing old and new beloved franchises back from the dead and revitalising the public's love for these old franchises. From Youkai to Digimon to even Pokemon and Buddy Monsters, every actor and every AI has their own story to tell, be it on-screen or off-screen. 

But little do they know, this world is about to become the first of many; the first world to be besieged by those called... Anomalice

He felt it. The tremor. 

Jiba Jinpei's hand instinctively moved up to check his earpiece as his best friend looked over at him. "Jinpei-kun? Is it another mission?"

Despite everything he had been through for the past 2 years, be it protecting the earth from aliens and meeting the other Dimension Keepers, Jinpei had never felt as much malice as he had right then. Even when he was younger, training to master his Youki, and that was saying something. 

"I'll go talk to Ranto-sempai and Chiyume-sempai," he said, adjusting his grip on his school bag as he turned around. "Don't wait up for me!" 

"Alright, Jinpei-kun! Stay safe!" Sandayuu yelled after his friend, but as soon as he was out of sight, his lips pursed, eyes conveying worry. He knew Jinpei put up a front of being okay... But he saw the flinch. He wasn't as proficient in reading waves of energy as his friend was, so he could only guess what could have made his usually-confident friend, the one who didn't get social cues and just went in rapping and doing whatever he wanted, shudder. 

He just... He sometimes wished he could help them out. It wasn't fair that there were only special people, these... what were they called again?... ah, whatever, people like Jinpei basically, who could do stuff like jumping through dimensions, keeping the balance... 

Sandayuu sighed quietly as he decided to hope for the best. Jinpei was stronger than he was. He could handle himself.

Still... As he walked back to Y Gakuen's dorms, he couldn't help but say mournfully, "I wish he wouldn't hide the burdens behind a smile..." 

"You felt it too, huh?" the green-haired, snake-eyed male hummed as Jinpei arrived at the student council president office. 

"Yeah, I did. Any word from Gangsan and the rest?" He asked. 

"Nothing. It looks like something's disrupted the open source status of time and space," the other male spoke up. 

"I don't want to go..." 

"Chiyume-sempai, you know we have to. We have an obligation to," he reminded the green-haired. 

"Jiba has more determination than you, Tsuchiyume," the other male, Kirigakure Ranto, said with a smirk, slightly ribbing at the other. 

"I guess, but whyyyy?" Amanoko Tsuchiyume tried to sink deeper into the couch. "Your beanbag couches are soooo nice, Ranto." 

"Don't change the subject," the other said while getting up and grabbing his classmate. "We need to go to the Ghost Game timeline to check on them." 

"I just hope they're fine..." Jinpei said. He knew that Gangsan and Daun were really protective over their world. 

(Not their home world, no, but it was where they grew up in.)

(Jinpei got that, at least; he would die to protect the family that took him in, even if they weren't related by blood.)

"You and Gangsan aren't twins, but sometimes you sure act like it," a new voice cut in. 

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