World BF-0000: Unveiled Truths Shatter in the Medical Mayhem AU! (PAIN & BLOOD)

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"Where in the world... are we?" Uju groaned while rubbing his head. "And HOW?" He felt like he had fallen through the rabbit hole multiple times headfirst just for the funsies. 

"Good question," Gangsan agreed, getting up despite how exhausted she suddenly felt. Why?... "What WAS that?"

"Something... Unexpected," Daun moaned, still sprawled on the ground. His head hurt badly. "But to be exact... WHO was that?"

And that was the question of the day, yet Gangsan helped him up, getting her phone out to check what time it w-

She froze. "Daun, it was afternoon when we heard that boom right?"

"Yeah? What about it?" The other asked.

Gangsan slowly showed the two her phone, and Kongor nearly choked from Daun's shoulder. "What- We were in there for a WHOLE TWELVE HOURS?! The actual ****?!"

"I knew that the space time continuum has been acting weird but that's crazy!" Ludomon gaped as he materialized, surprising Uju. "A Digimon?!"

"Oh, hi, Uju! Sorry I didn't show before, didn't want to alarm you too badly!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" He yelped. "Who are you?!"

But Daun leaned in forward and adjusted his glasses. "Hey, Gangsan, the location on your phone, it says BF-0000. Isn't that a main timeline?"

"A what now?" Jalter blinked. He knew briefly of the specifics regarding multiverse theory (He swore he heard of Bad End AUs and Little Mistake that Changed Everything AUs? The second one confused him a lot.), but timelines? Yeah, that was more Setoni's style than his.

"Basically it's a foundation for a good amount of worlds," Gangsan explained while slipping her phone back into her pocket. "These worlds are much more fragile than the average cause they keep the time flow stable. Anything disrupts them, they fall apart. They don't become Forbidden Verses, they become Bad End worlds."

"Those worlds basically spell the end for happy endings, though, so we try to minimize to the best of our ability," Daun finished. "The fact that that figure teleported us all the way here is concerning, to say the least."

Uju nodded while Ludomon asked, "What IS the difference between Forbidden Verses and Bad End worlds? Isn't it better to be a Bad End world than a Forbidden Verse?"

He had seen Forbidden Verses. NOTHING could beat that, not even Bad End worlds... 

"No, not quite. Bad End worlds are ravaged by malice but can still be purified while Forbidden Verses are practically unlivable. Nothing you can do can purify it, for the most part," Daun explained. "Even then Bad End worlds almost always end up with ruined landscapes and evil winning. Here, the chances of getting a Forbidden Verse is actually a LOT higher. Wuliang's told me outside our multiverse, Forbidden Verses are next to nihil. Makes sense to be honest."

"Bad End Worlds in our multiverse in close proximity to each other is pretty bad too, because we live pretty close to a cluster of Bad End worlds so having them happen to a major timeline could cause more Forbidden Verses to form," Kongor added. "Basically leads to a countdown of sorts to destroying this multiverse. Domino effect and all that. Once Bad End Worlds go haywire, so do Forbidden Verses, and THAT is REALLY bad. Those things could breed more Surges, and that is never a good thing."

Uju's eyebrows raised. "Surges?"

"That... Is where we Fragmented Code Digimon came from; beings of pure negativity to the point past redemption. Pascatmon, she ruined worlds to make the perfect soldiers. Heck, Apophimon... Apophi was the progenitor of the Codes... and she all but KILLED him herself just to use him as a puppet..." Ludomon looked down.

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