BL-3003: It's Gone All Wrong in the Bakugan Legends Bad End AU...

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In a world where Hanoj won, where the Awesome Brawlers failed their mission, the world has become filled with the Swarm. Human and Bakugan survivors hide everyday as the worlds have been forcibly fused, this time causing Vestroia to rise to the Earth's surface and making it unrecognisable to those who used to live in it. Time is frozen in this world, allowing villains of old and new to roam, terrorising the earth while Hanoj and his generals continue their siege across the worlds.

This world is the third to be entered by mysterious beings known as the Anomalice, under the leadership of a mysterious woman named Aesopia, or Mona Artemision. Just who is she, and why is she doing this? The question may remain unanswered... For now.

"How did they find out about the Miraculous in the first place?" Tsuchiyume cut through the silence as he leaned onto the meeting chair more. "That's one thing we need to look into."

"We should probably focus on securing the Miraculous as well, but I'll go talk to Uju and the others about what they saw," Gangsan added.

"I'll keep watch with Daun and let you guys know if another Anomalice is attacking," Skyla said.

(She saw Tsuchiyume flinch, eyes darkening. Jinpei's eyes hardened as well. Even the kindest of them all had limits, huh?

... She HAD hurt them, so... She did know forgiveness was hard to attain but once again, she had taken everything for granted.

At least Sandayuu is nice to her, even after everything. She's starting to think the boy doesn't have an impure part in his body unless it involved his love for Jinpei, for which he was willing to apparently be hated.)

"Maybe it has something to do with that attack we heard happened cause of Centuriomon? We did feel the waves but..." Ranto trailed off. They had been too busy evacuating people at the time. 

"I just hope Uju is alright," Gangsan said while fingering the golden sun necklace she wore. "And Yuga."

(Of course, they were still twins. Even if Yuga didn't know Mikado Arata existed, even if she somehow had this golden sun emblem when she arrived at the Tak's doorstep, taken in as one of their own, she always felt like something was off.

She wondered if Yuga knew there was something off as well. If he always felt like some sort of empty void existed. 

... Maybe it was better if Yuga didn't know about her. That would spare him the heartbreak of being hated by the system.)

"He's going to be fine, Gangsan. He IS one of the strongest Buddyfighters of his time, able to battle against his dads without breaking a sweat," Skyla offered. 

"I know. I know." A smile formed on her face. "You have a point there, Skyla."

"I think... I think a trip to Centuriomon could help clear up the mystery," Sandayuu finally spoke up. The first time he had spoken up for this entire meeting. "You guys mentioned that he is the keeper of time and space, right? We could ask him for help right?"

"Fair, but... he... isn't on the best of terms with us." Tsuchiyume carefully looked away.

(Sure, the Creator asked him to help them but... it didn't mean the stigma of what Anomalice was could fade off so easily. The term Borrowed Actors was only starting to become more commonly used, and even THAT name didn't encompass what they were. 

Those who fate took from their home to other worlds... Those who fate gave a different, divergent path, those who were chosen to keep the world spinning. 

But also those who had no place in the story. 

Gangsan and Daun were in the first category, Skyla the second, Jinpei, Ranto, Tsuchiyume the third, Kirameki the last. 

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