World TOH-2304: You Can't Be Too Sure in the Blighted Isles AU

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A world where Belos/Philip Whittebane is a tyrant rebel, hated by everyone and believed to be nothing but an evil heretic. The resistance group Witches Against the Traitor, AKA W. A. T., stands against this man who seeks to overthrow the true queen of the Demon Realm, led by Evelyn Clawthorne and Caleb Whittebane. Yet is this the true story? Is Philip truly the psychopath canon pins him to be? 

Not that the Anomalice take notice of this. This is their seventh world, and having been sent here by the Owl House Miraculous, Tiggan, Acheelmon is determined to help her master achieve her goal at all costs. Meanwhile, the Dimension Keepers are reunited, but will the slump dissipate that easily...?

"You're affected by this, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking ab- OW!!"

Glasssweeper stared at Wuliang with an unimpressed look. "Now you see why you and your Dadda, or even your Papa, are similar. You guys don't talk about how you feel and pretend you're fine when you're not."

"I... Can't deny it," He grumbled, rubbing his head. (His Dadda always told him to be frank but also to keep note of the situation.) "What does that have to do with right now?"

"You've accepted your place as an Anomalice, sure, but... you haven't accepted your place in the Dimension Keepers, haven't you?"

Wuliang paused. (He had always been in sync, hadn't he? He and Glasssweeper, no, Pleco, had been together for a long time.)

"I... guess you can say that. I mean, they keep time from derailing, I..."

I do the opposite of that.

(Maybe he inherited his Dadda's villainous streak. Maybe he missed his Papa more than he wants to admit.)

"I think you had a good reason to do that. And plus, this is what Fic would have wanted, y'know?"

The eleven-year-old sighed, nestling into his acid-resistant snuggie. "I know. But even after I promised myself I wouldn't do it... My crimes are still there..."

"Hey, Heliang, you and I both know that it's not a crime. It was meant to happen," the Buddy Monster said, patting his head.

"I-I just... Do I even deserve the position? There's a reason Centuriomon hates my guts..." he mumbled.

"Did any of them get offered the position? No, they did not. They took it upon themselves, took the label for themselves. Even if they were Anomalice, they still fight. Shouldn't you do the same, Wuliang?"

"I..." he went quiet. He had a point, but...

"And even then... you know that you have to keep fighting no matter what. To investigate if your suspicions are right."

"P-Papa wouldn't have given up, right?" he offered.

Glasssweeper smiled. (He wouldn't have, even in the face of uncertainty. A strength Wuliang was slowly cultivating.) "Yeah, you know how he is. So why let this define you?"

"You... have a point," he laughed. "Alright, let's go hunt those people down."

Getting out his phone, he quickly scanned for any anomalies, but paused when he spotted one world having a disturbance.

World TOH-2304...

"Time of interference... April 8, 2023, the day Philip Whittebane went up against the W.A.T.."

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

~~ April 8, 2023 ~~

"Where the **** am I...?" Emerald eyes opened up as Félix tried to regain his balance and recall previous events. He had been watching the fight against Monarch from the sidelines, unable to join in. (How could he, when he was nothing but a fool? When he was willing to do anything, ANYTHING to advance his own agenda. He was just as bad as his uncle. No matter what others tell him, he knew, that rotten core in him, that darkness, no, that SORROW, from losing his father, would never fade, and as long as it remained, he would never be good, yet he could never truly pull away from this cycle. If he did.... Who would be left to mourn his father? Who else would keep his soul tethered to the mortal realm? He... He refused to let go. All those good memories... He didn't want to forget his father...)

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