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God, but I couldn't leave the auction, I saw how Tare put on his mask and sat down with everyone in the audience, he looked at me and nodded. Shit, Tare why I have a feeling that this was his plan, I looked at him indicating that he would buy it at any cost, whatever it costs and started.

"300,000,000 dollars", said the old man I squeezed the microphone that I thought was going to burst from the squeeze.

"500,000,000 dollars," Tare said, raising the palette in a deep voice.

"700,000,000 dollars".

"900,000,000 dollars", Tare said.

My good heart, what can I say, I was nervous, obviously I knew I was going to win but that old man didn't give up, and worse, seeing my boy's bewildered face made me even more angry, wait, my boy what I just said, well, I'll do it in the finals. It's because I'm going to buy it, right?

"1,000,000,000,000 dollars", said the old man with a smile.

"100,000,000,000,000 euros", Tare finally said calmly.

If you spend, spend like it's your money, I thought, shaking my head.

I saw how the old man under the tablet grumbling for having lost, and that was my chance.

"100 billion at one, two and ... three SOLD to the young man in the mysterious mask", I said so as not to seem obvious.

"With this the auction ends, the buyers wait for their purchase", I said leaving the room

God, but 100 billion euros for that boy, if it had been true, my father would have killed me, it's a lot of money, well, a lot for anyone, but for me it's not even 1% of what I have.

But that's not the point right now I'm going to look for Tare, he has to explain to me why he doing this or, well, what was I doing? Well, he understood me.


My mind was going from here to there I'm worth so much I thought I mean it's billions and on top of that in euros who spends something like that on someone they don't know, well at least I think I'm worth something, since I've resigned myself to being deserving of something in life and well here, the innocence that I bring to me is over, I sighed slightly and sat in the room, each one was taken out to take them with their owners, I said goodbye to Fiul and Kuj with a very strong hug, they separated us and took them away, I sat there looking at nothing until the door was opened again, showing me who had bought me, my heart was beating a thousand because he stopped in front of me and still looked at me with his mask.

"You know you cost a fortune", said that man.

"But well, calm down, I'm not your owner", said the man to take off his mask.

At this point I think I was going to have a cardiac arrest, it was that kind man there in front of me.

"Then who is it?", I said still with my head squat.

Well, as he told you...... First of all my name is Tare", he said with a smile.

God how can he smile in a situation like this, he was seriously insane.

"You cost a lot, but if I didn't do something, sure my boss would have died of love uhh!! although I did not want to accept it", he said making a face and sitting next to me.

I tensed for a moment, not because of his approach, but because I WAS IN LINGERIE, this was embarrassing.

"What's your name?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Gulf", I said nervously.

Before he could speak, the door opened, causing him to immediately put on his mask, he tensed for a moment but when we saw who it was, even I was surprised.


"You are going to explain this to me right now", I said running towards him ignoring the boy.

"Don't worry, mew, I swear that if you didn't buy it, you were going to die", he said running for his life.

"So....... spending 100 billion euros arggh what is in your mind", I said while trying to catch him

"That petty to spare it is nothing for you, it's like giving a grain of rice", said Tare getting on the bed.

"So what the hell were you doing sitting there", I asked from the other end.

"I had to do something or perhaps you wanted them to buy him", he said, taking off his mask.

"It would have been the best, you hear me, he's a whore, that surely he already slept with the first one he saw", I said pointing at him with his finger

I think that at that moment it was my downfall, I saw how Tare clenched his fists and made a face of total anger, eh I think I didn't tell him, right? Tare is 5 years older than me so he's like my older brother, but I didn't understand his expression until I noticed.

I turned my face and saw my boy shedding some tears that he awkwardly wipes them away.

I swear to you that I had not realized it was there because if it were, I would never have said those words.


Sorry if you find some spelling errors, Thank you very much for the support you are giving it, I am very happy I hope you continue to like it and vote for it SEE YOU!!!

Sorry if you find some spelling errors, Thank you very much for the support you are giving it, I am very happy I hope you continue to like it and vote for it SEE YOU!!!

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