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When we arrived at the hospital in that province, they put him on a stretcher and took him to the operating room. I don't know what maneuvers Tul did to get him to be treated, but he entered the room along with the other doctors.

Tare brought a nurse to treat the bullet wounds, I still don't know how he was still alive, how I wanted to be in his place, having been the one who had received each blow, I grunted when he approached me but Tare held me so that I was don't worry.

My gaze was only in that room, despite the fact that they were treating me, my tears did not stop coming out of my eyes, not because of the pain of the healing, but while waiting in that sliding waiting corridor to have some news about them.

The nurse after a long time finished healing both shoulders and leg, Tare bowed in thanks, and I just stood up, receiving a warning look from my father.

"Come on son you must sit down, you will hurt your leg", my father said calling my attention, I looked at him but I just covered my face while my desire to cry grew stronger.

My father had just arrived while they were treating me, they wanted to leave me in a room to treat my wounds but I let out a furious cry when they wanted to do that, and they let me out.

"Can't men like us cry?"

I took my hand out when some blows to my shoulder caught my attention, I turned to see and there were four of them.

"Come on cry", Tare said opening his arms and the others formed a circle.

With doubt I approached and my bitter cry finally got out, my babies was supposed to take care of them, my children.

They spent about 9 hours in that horrible hospital corridor until Tul left that room taking off his gloves. We all approached intrigued.

"How is my son?", I asked standing up immediately, Tul looked at me and released a sigh that made me think the worst at this moment.

"Gulf carries a warrior child in his womb", he spoke with a smile. "He is perfectly fine I'm surprised he's alive", he said and I was able to let out a sigh while tears accumulated in my eyes again.

"And Gulf?", I said looking at him and he looked down. "Tul!! Gulf......How is he?...I'm asking you a damn question!!!", I yelled grabbing him by the shoulders.

My father grabbed my shoulders stopping me.

"I'm sorry.....", he said making my heart stop beating for a moment. "He's alive...........but his body has been left with many fractures and a deep burn on one of his legs", he said making me let go of my fathet's hand on my shoulders and my face stare at a fixed point intently.

"On one of his thighs he has a deep burn that was made with a rod, three broken ribs, the left and right arm with.....",

"ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH!!! STOP....", I yelled to rock back touching my chest and the next thing I could say was 'Forgive me my love" since everything became blurry after that.

DANGEROUS LOVE 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now