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Mew took me to the room and tucked me in like I was a good child I'm not complaining but I'm still scared, I'm half a fool who stays and trusts a stranger I'm really crazy, but I'll see what I do tomorrow Tare keeps saying "Mew You already fell" I don't know what he mean but maybe I can use it to my advantage, right?



"What do you work at?".


God that question ahhh now what I need to answer.

"Why do you want to know that, little one?" I said, adjusting the sheet.

'Mew suppasit accommodating a sheet'.

"Why can't I know?....I'm sorry...I thought so", he said in a whisper.

"Ehh... I'm a businessman, you've never heard of me, by chance", I said raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head making it look adorable.

"How strange, well, I own 10 5-star hotel chains in this country, restaurants and a clothing brand", I said.

"Wow!, you must be very recognized", he said a little embarrassed.

"Yes and how come you don't know about me?",I asked curiously.

"Well, I don't have many technological devices, for me work is more important and that is certainly enough for my university expenses," he said, looking away.

I smiled, he had worked all his life to get by on his own but he wouldn't be anymore.

"Little one do you want to go back to your university?", I asked stroking his hair.

He quickly turned his face.

"Can I really come back?", he said with a smile.

"Yes, but with conditions"

The moment I mentioned that, his face changed and his smile ceased.

"You will go with a bodyguard that will be Tare I do not trust anyone else, you will arrive early, you will not work again I will take care of you and everything that includes taking care of you and all kinds of school work you will do here at home", I said with a stocking smile.

"No... I can't let you pay for my career that....."

"That is not in discussion, anything you need come to me or to Tare", I said crossing my arms.

He sighed and nodded.

"It is necessary to have a bodyguard?".

"That is necessary or we forgot that you return to the university", I demanded.

He made a small pout on his lips that would go unnoticed by anyone but not by me.

"I have another question", he said turning red.

I let out a small laugh. I love everything about him, so you can fall in love at first sight.

"Tell me".

"How old are you?", He said and covered his eyes with his hands.

How cute.

"What do you think am?", I said moving my eyebrow


I waved my hand indicating that he was close.

"Ummm 35?", he said opening his eyes.

"Very old", I said laughing at his attitude.

"33", I shake my head again.

"30", he said looking at me.

DANGEROUS LOVE 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now