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"Well it could have been worse", my brother spoke.

"I am grateful that she's a woman because if she had been a man, she would not be alive", I said drinking my wine.

We looked at each other and started to laugh, the 5 of us got into our own world and although father did not want to admit he never wanted to come.


"I have to go to the bathroom" I said to stand up.

I urgently needed to occupy a bathroom right now after several fits of laughter.

"Boris!", Mew speak calling his attention.

Boris came over and mew pointed at me.

"Go with him", he said seriously. Boris nodded and stood next to me.

We started walking and passed some tables until we reached the hallway where the bathrooms were.

"I'll wait here, young man, don't take too long," he said, turning on his back.

I nodded and went into the bathroom, after a few moments I went out and washed my hands, I opened the door but Boris was no longer there.

"Boris?!", I said a little louder.

"Wow.. Wow so you're the little bitch who messed with my future husband", I heard someone said behind my back.

I turned around with a frown and saw who I never imagined having close to her.

"Excuse me......I never took anything from you, he wasn't and won't be yours", I said smiling, at least I have a little fun tonight.

She clenched her jaw approaching me with a strong step, perhaps she thought that she could intimidate ridiculously.

"How much did he pay you to became his fake boyfriend ? You can walk away now because her real wife has arrived", she said as she challenged me with her eyes.

I laughed softly, after all I'll have a lot of fun tonight .

"Being a bitch it was so easy to take away something that is not even yours", I said with a relaxed look.

"You're a prostitute, he'll get bored of you in the end and come to me", she said with a smile.

"Oops! Offering yourself as a second course meal, perhaps you have some dignity", I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"At least I'm not a whore like you who wallows......"

My patience reached its limit and a slap was the next thing to be heard in that corridor, I saw how her hair was placed in the middle of her face and with her other hand she touched her cheek.

"Dare to put a finger on me and see who loses and who wins", I said when I could decipher his intentions.

"Ha! you think so brave".

"At least I'm not like you....... pick up your dignity that is lying on the ground", I said to continue on my way with my hands in my pockets.

When I passed by her side, she pulled the back of my hair, removing the hair clip that was in it, making my hair, which was a little long, fall over my ears.

"You're not so brave anymore," she said with a smile.

I laughed and saw how she moved restlessly.

"HAHAHAHAHA thank to god that you are a woman", I said while laughing.

DANGEROUS LOVE 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now