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I was at the meeting, I had arrived half an hour ago and I recognized some members of the clans, they all respected me but there was one who looked at me with a smile and as if he would soon take something away from me.

Quit my ideas and focus on the food. They all brought their lovers and would have brought Gulf.

But his safety comes first.

Everything is going well until my phone rang, taking me out of the conversation I was sharing, with an apology I left the room.

"Tul.... Now I'm on meet..",I spoke but he immediately shouted.

"Mew damn where is Gulf!", He shout.

"Huh? Calm down now he must be in...",I spoke but I was interrupted. "Mew listen to me I need Gulf to be home lying down by the time I arrive", he said in a deep voice while he was driving.

"Why?", I said looking at my feet.

"Do you remember the tests you sent me a few days ago", he said agitated, apparently he was running now.

"I already check on it, perhaps Gulf has a terminal illness", I said alarmingly.

"No he....", I speak but stop. "Speak Tul", I demanded seriously.

"He is in gestation Mew...".

"In gestation?", I asked casually.

My brain still didn't process it until it did making me freeze where I was.

"Is it a joke? TRUE? Gulf.....", I spoke

"You think I'm kidding Gulf is p r e g n a n t" He shout spelling out the last word.

My face showed total astonishment at that news.

"Tell me that Gulf is at home, it's a dangerous pregnancy, any sudden movement can cause an abortion", he said making me squeeze the cell phone.

Was I going to be a father? It's just that he hadn't processed it yet, could Gulf create babies? But....I didn't know whether to be happy, amazed or terrified with that idea.

I looked everywhere to look for Roni and Tare I had to get out of here.

"I'll be home now Tul, wait for me there", I said to cut off the communication.

I got up and with my eyes I looked for Tare but I did not find them, I walked around the room from outside and again I met the eyes of that person as if telling me run that it might be late, he gave me a smile and began to talk to the others.

"Mister!", I heard him say behind my back.

"Tare,we need to...."Mew, Jani and Gulf were ambushed", he said causing all my blood to flow down to my feet.

What? It was the only thing I can formulate with my lips.

I turned my face and ran into again with
those eyes that were now mocking.

I looked at him and I looked at Tare, I clenched my fists and ran towards the exit without saying goodbye to anyone.

"Where are they?", I said taking off my jacket and throwing it inside.

"The are at the deviated of them forest because they couldn't get to the mansion......I received an alert from Gulf's bracelet, but Prosh was the one who warned us now he's going there", he said to enter the car followed by Roni.

I nodded and when we started I slammed the car door making the men in front of me tremble at such an action.


DANGEROUS LOVE 🔞✅(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now