Chapter 33: He Lied

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"New Message from Lindsey" flashed across my phone screen. I hesitantly opened it.

"Hey Gee. There's a rumor going around the internet that you went to rehab or some shit. If you did, I'd love to meet up again. ;) I'm in town for a few weeks. Text me if you wanna meet up.
-Lynz" the text said.

I wanted to ignore the message, but part of me was intrigued. I mean, me and Lily aren't together anymore, so it should be fine, right?
"I'll go. When and where are we meeting?" I replied.

"Tomorrow at the café at noon. Be there. ;)" she responded. I agreed to it.

It couldn't hurt.


*~Lily's P.O.V~*

After I got home from the café that night with Gerard, I watched a movie with the girls and went straight to bed. I was happy that he was willing to be friends, but I was still conflicted about dating him. I mean, I could tell he still loved me, but did I love him too?

I thought about this until the next day. Now I had made my decision. What was I thinking? Of course I wanted to date him! I had to go tell him the news as soon as possible. I told the girls I was leaving and I happily ran to the Way house. I knocked a few times and Mikey answered the door.

"Oh hey Lily," he said happily. I pulled him into a quick friendly hug which he happily returned. He stepped out of the way and allowed me into the house.

"Where's Gerard?" I asked Mikey.

"He went to the café. He told me he was meeting up with an old friend. He's been gone for like three hours though," Mikey said with a shrug.

An old friend. That sounded like bullshit to me. Gerard's only friends are Frank, Ray, the girls and I. He didn't have any old friends to meet up with. I shrugged it off though. I guess it wasn't really any of my business. I shouldn't have shrugged it off, because just then I got a phone call. It was Ray.

"I thought we sent you to that café to rekindle!" Ray scolded.

"Well hello to you too," I spat playfully. "We agreed to be friends. I mean, I think I want to get back together, but I haven't told him yet," I explained.

"Oh fuck. He didn't tell you, did he?" Ray asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked calmly.

"He got back together with Lindsey," Ray said. I went silent for a few minutes. "Lily? You still there?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I'm here," I said, making sure the tears that were streaming down my face didn't show through my voice.

"I'm really sorry, Lily. I hate her too, and I bet she's using him," Ray sighed. "Frank hates her too."

"The girls and I have hated her from day one," I scoffed.

"Same here," Ray sighed. "I'm really sorry, Lily, but I think we need to leave this alone. I mean, I want to break them up too, but Gerard's just so fragile right now. Maybe when he gets his old strength back he'll leave her again."

"I understand. Him and I are just friends anyway," I said sadly.

"Well I've gotta go. I'm going to Frank's place to discuss this. Take care, Lily. We miss you," Ray said.

"I miss you too," I said just as the line went dead. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. How could Gerard move on so quickly? He told me he was only using Lindsey to get over me when he first dated her, so why would he get back with her? I closed my phone and set it in the coffee table.

"Lily, are you okay?" Mikey asked, panic evident in his voice. He must be able see that I've been crying.

"Y-yeah I'm fine," I sniffled.

"No you're not. You're crying!" Mikey protested.

"It's nothing, Mikey. Don't worry about it."

"I am worried about it. Don't tell me not to be," he scolded.

"Do you promise you won't tell your brother?" I asked.

"I promise," he said, hooking his pinky with mine just like I used to. That caused me to laugh. He pulled his pinky away and smiled at me.

"I... I'm still in love with your brother, b-but he got back together w-with Lindsey," I cried.

"He got back together with Lindsey? What the fuck? She does nothing but treat him like shit!" Mikey exclaimed. I wasn't used to hearing Mikey curse this much, but it didn't bother me.

"Michael! Watch your language!" I heard Donna shout from the kitchen. Apparently Mikey had said it a bit too loudly.

"Sorry, Mom," he sighed. Then he turned back to me. "I'm sorry, Lily. I really wanted you guys to get back together."

"I did too," I mumbled. "I'm gonna head home and tell the girls what happened."

"Alright. Come back soon. I worry about you," Mikey said. I hugged him and thanked him before I left.

When I walked into my own house, I was bombarded with questions about how it went and if Gerard and I got back together.

"We didn't. He got back with Lindsey," I said, starting to cry again.

"I really fucking hate that bitch," Taylor mumbled quietly.

"Kiddo, I'm so sorry. How do you feel about this?" she asked.

"Heartbroken," I answered honestly.
"C'mere," Samantha said. I sat next to her and she hugged me as I cried onto her shoulder. The girls came over to me to rub my back and try to cheer me up as I cried. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone, but it wasn't there. Shit! I had left it at the Way house. I got up and the girls all looked at me strangely.

"I left my phone over there. I'll be right back," I said. I ran to the Way house and opened the door. It was unlocked, and Donna always let me come in whenever I want. I wish I would have knocked, because when I walked into the living room, my heart broke even further. I saw Lindsey and Gerard kissing, and it seemed to be pretty heated. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart again. I snuck by and grabbed my phone from the coffee table that was in front of them. They didn't even notice. As I left the Way house, I started crying.

He told me he missed me.

He lied.

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