Chapter 37: A Surprise Visitor

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*~Lily's P.O.V~*

It had been about two weeks since Gerard had first called me. He called me everyday since then. He told me he was "going to fight for me." I had also been talking to all of the guys and even Lindsey. Lindsey was actually a pretty good person now. She really wanted Gerard to be happy.

They were all currently in California to do the shows they had cancelled for Gerard's trip to rehab. The guys, Lindsey, and I had secretly made a plan. We had already bought the plane tickets. I was going to show up to California so Gerard and I could talk it out in person. Gerard had no idea about the plan. It was a surprise.

Samantha and Jamia were going to be the only ones coming with me. Hayley had gone home to spend time with her parents before they started to worry about her, and Taylor had to stay with her band to plan a new tour since they had backed out of the tour with My Chemical Romance. Jamia, Samantha and I were currently in Samantha's car and she was driving us to the airport. Samantha didn't lose her job, and they were actually flexible enough to let her do her work from California for a week or two while she came with me. She basically had the company wrapped around her finger, because they knew that if they didn't please her, she was good enough to get any job she wanted, and she'd be gone in a second. They didn't want to lose their best lawyer.

When we arrived at the airport, we all got coffee and waited for our flight to be called. I was both excited and nervous to meet up with Gerard in person. What if it doesn't work out again?

My thoughts were cut short by our flight being called. We all three quickly finished our coffees and discarded the empty cups. We went through security and then boarded the plane. I didn't get any sleep on the flight. My mind was racing the entire time.

Now I had to get used to the time difference again, so it was just now 1:00 PM in California. I had plenty of time to meet up with Gerard. Frank, Ray, Mikey and some guy I hadn't met before were waiting for us at the airport. I went to meet up with the group first, and Samantha and Jamia stayed behind so that we could surprise Frank.

"Lily!" Mikey exclaimed. He was the first one to notice me. I hugged him tightly for a few moments before I pulled away and hugged Frank and Ray.

"This is Bob. He's our new drummer. Gerard met him in rehab and he agreed to replace Matt," Ray said. Bob shook my hand.

"So you're the great Lily Gerard's always telling me about, huh? Oh, and there's no need to tell me about yourself. Gerard's told me such much about you, I could probably write your fucking biography," Bob joked, causing me to start laughing. I like him already. He seems great.

Then Jamia came running over and Frank smiled so widely I thought his face was going to split in half. She jumped into his arms and he spun her around. We let them hug for a few moments before Bob started hollering at them. "Break it up, ya lovebirds! We need to get to the show!" he shouted.

The girls and I checked into a hotel right by the venue. It's the same hotel the guys will be staying in after the show. Our plan was to have me wait backstage while they performed so that I could surprise Gerard right after the show. Samantha, Jamia and I all got settled into the hotel before it was time for me to go to the venue.

The guys snuck me in without Gerard noticing, luckily.

"Okay, so you know what to do, right?" Ray asked me.

"Yes, Ray," I giggled. Samantha and Jamia stayed at the hotel because they figured Gerard and I would want alone time. So I was basically going to be alone backstage for the entire set. I'm sure I'd find entertainment somehow. I mean, I love their music, so listening to that should be good enough. I also had my phone, so I could text the girls if I got bored. It would all be worth it in the end anyway.

I hid in a closet as all of My Chemical Romance came backstage to get ready to go on. I made it without getting noticed, and soon they were onstage. I immediately felt the butterflies as that first note of Welcome to the Black Parade started playing. It sucked not being able to watch them perform, but hearing it was nice.

I texted Jamia, Samantha, Hayley and Taylor throughout the show. It was a good way to pass the time. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching. I was confused, as the music hadn't stopped yet, so it couldn't have been any members of My Chemical Romance. Then I heard the familiar voice.

"Ah! You made it!" I heard a female voice exclaim. It was Lindsey. I slightly smiled at her. "Listen, I know you probably still hate me, and I don't blame you, but I'm still really glad you came," she sighed.

"I don't hate you, Linds," I said kindly. She hugged me and then turned away to leave.

"Their set's gonna be over any second. I'm gonna leave you to it," she said. I thanked her and she finally left. That's when the set ended. They didn't come back stage for about another fourty-five minutes. They must have been interacting with fans. Once they started coming backstage, the butterflies got even stronger. I was so nervous. I stood up and waited for the one I was really looking for to come in.

Ray came in first, then Frank, then Bob, then Mikey, and finally Gerard. It took him a few moments to notice me standing there, but once we met eyes, I knew he had finally realized. The guys all left us alone and Gerard slowly walked towards me. He approached slowly, as if he was afraid I was only a figment of his imagination.

"L-Lily?" he asked.

"Yes, Gerard. I'm here."

"When did you get here? H-how?"

"Frank, Ray, Mikey and Lindsey made the plan. They said we should talk," I sighed.

"I think we should talk too," he agreed.


"Let's talk in my dressing room. It's more private," he said. I followed him to his dressing room and he shut the door behind us.

"Shit. I should probably change," he groaned, noticing that he was still in his Black Parade uniform.

"Um... I-I'll leave while you change, then," I sighed.

"Y-you don't have to. I mean, you can if you want, but you've... You've seen me change before," he sighed, clearly not wanting it to be awkward. I just nodded and stayed in my place on the sofa. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes off of him, but that wasn't exactly easy. Even if we weren't dating anymore, I still had to admit that the boy was hot. I bit my lip as he removed his shirt. Damn it, Lily! Stop staring! I stared down at the ground to prevent myself from looking at him, because his pants were the next things to go. My ex-boyfriend was standing here in front of me in nothing but his boxers. This was the most awkward situation of my life. I took one quick glimpse up at him, because I couldn't resist, and then I looked right back down to the ground. Thankfully, soon enough he had put other clothes on and I could finally look at him again without having the urge to pull him right onto this couch and tear all of his clothes off.

"Sorry about that. The uniform's pretty uncomfortable," he laughed awkwardly and sat down on the opposite side of the couch from me.

"I guess we should start talking," I sighed. He nodded in agreement.

"I really am sorry, and I miss you, and I'll do anything if it means you'll love me as much as I love you," he said.

"Of course I love you. I just... Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can trust me. I want to be here for you. I want to hold you. I won't hurt you anymore. I want to keep you safe. I want to protect you."

I didn't know what came over me. Maybe it was what he'd just said. Maybe it was the fact we hadn't had sex in so long. Maybe it was the fact I just saw him practically naked. I don't know what it was, but I climbed onto his lap and kissed him passionately.

"Fuck it, Gerard. I don't want to be angry anymore. I don't wanna go on without you. I fucking love you," I panted after we finally pulled away from the long kiss to catch our breath.

"I fucking love you too," he laughed and started kissing me again. This time it was even more hot and steamy. His tongue slipped into my mouth and we both moaned into the kiss. God I've missed this.

He laid me down on the couch and climbed on top of me.

And that's the story of how Gerard and I got back together after having sex on his dressing room sofa.

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