Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 3

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I strolled back into the classroom and wiped the tears away from my face before anyone could notice. I saw Sasuke and instantly felt better. Even though I don’t have a family, I still have my friends who I know are there for me and love me just as much.

I practically skipped down into my seat, my mood taking on a different turn, and sat down. When I realized the hyperactive ninja was missing, I gave Sasuke a puzzled look, but he just shrugged. I hope he didn’t end up getting himself in trouble.


 The rest of the school day was short besides sensei telling us to be here tomorrow and at what time and blah blah blah.  I swear I was going to explode from boredom.

 When he finally let us out, I practically ran out of the class room, almost running into Kiba.

“Oh crap! Sorry Kiba!” I apologized. He just waved his hand at me.

“No big deal. What are you in such a hurry for anyways?”

I just shrugged.

“To get as far away from this school before my head explodes.” I said chuckling and he did too.

Kiba’s been my friend for quite a while now, though he was the last to actually try to get to know me and we’ve been friends since. He used to be the one to start stuff with me though that’s history now, but sometimes we scuffle a bit.

Suddenly, he wrapped his long arm around my shoulder and started ushering me out of the classroom.

"So, I was thinking you could come celebrate our graduation of course.” He said mischievously.

Shit! I hate when he does this, celebrate our graduation my ass. Ever since he hit puberty he's been like a dog in heat. His arm doesn’t feel right around me It’s weird how it feels so...possessive.

“Umm, well I kinda have something I have to do.” I lied unskillfully. He looked slightly amused by my terrible lie.

“Oh? I thought you said you had nothing planned for the rest of the evening. You’re a terrible liar Lucy. I won't try anything, I swear.” 

Damnit, I wish I wasn’t such a crap liar. How am I supposed to get out of this one?

Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and pull me away from Kiba roughly. I looked up and saw Sasuke giving Kiba a deathly stare down. He pulled me against him causing me to blush hard at our sudden closeness.

Kiba glared back.

“Sorry but she can’t take on your offer, Kiba. She is meeting Naruto and me at the ramen shop.” Sasuke snapped giving Kiba his signature death glare.

And just like that Kiba backed down and said a short ‘sorry’ before scurrying off with his dog, Akamaru.

I chuckled at the sight. Serves him right for trying to ‘pick’ me up, now he's running with his tail between his legs.

I looked up at Sasuke to see him watching Kiba with a glare. I poked his stomach, causing him to look down at me quizzically. I smiled softly.

“Thanks for helping me, Sasuke.” I said.

I saw a slight pink brush his pale cheeks as he looked away from me.

"No big deal..."

I started to walk out of his arm but was quickly pulled back against him. I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

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