Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 11

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Lucy's p.o.v

Giggling at Kakashi's idiotic expression, I jumped down from the tree brush and walked over to him, tossing his book back.

Catching his perverted novel he narrowed his eye at my confidence as I strapped the bell around my wrist.

"What's your secret,Lucy?" he asked as I strode past him.

Pausing I smiled wearily at him.

"Too horrible for a human to handle..." I said softly then continued on.

Thanking god he didn't stop me, I appeared next to Naruto and cut him down from the rope he managed to fall for.

I couldn't hold in my laughter as he fell head first to the ground and whined obnoxiously.

"You could have at least warned me...wah! How did you get a bell?!?" he exclaimed pointing to my wrist were the bell hung.

Kneeling over since he was sitting, I tapped his nose and stuck my tongue out.

" 'Cuz I'm just cool like that. And I thought you were going to be Hokage...I guess you don't have it in you..." I said dramatically.

That seemed to motivate him since he jumped up and went after Kakashi with fire in his eyes. He's such a dork but he's determined and that's all he really needs.

Resting against the stump, I waited for The timer to go off though when it did all Kakashi did was strap Naruto to the stump and yelled at everyone about not getting the bells and blah blah blah this guy doesn't know when someone really doesn't give a shit.

Grabbing my box lunch I opened it up and offered a sushi roll to Naruto.

"Lucy stop! Kakashi told us we can't feed him!" Sakura whispered.

I paused and looked at her casually.

"You know even when you're not screaming or whining, you're fucking annoying." I said

She huffed but I interrupted her before she could whine to Sasuke.

"If you guys haven't noticed yet, Kakashi's screwing with your heads. The whole idea of this test is to see if we can manage teamwork." I said rolling my eyes.

Naruto glanced nervously at the food but didn't hesitate in eating it. Sasuke followed along as did Sakura.

Suddenly, dark clouds and thunder covered the once nice day as Kakashi came out of nowhere, standing over us.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO FEED HIM! YOU...pass." as sudden as the aura came on did it disappear.

"Awesome! So does that mean I can leave?" I said with fake enthusiasm.

Kakashi ignored me and went on with his oh so wisdomest speech as I groaned obnoxiously and just started singing Blood On The Dance Floor.

" I wanna fuck you hard, I wanna feel you deep, I wanna rock your body, I wanna taste you sweet..." I sang watching them get more and more uncomfortable the dirtier it got.

But Kakashi ignored as best he could and kept talking so I just went to the king of hotness; Jeffree Star

" Vagina go boom boom boom, ride it vroom vroom vroom... I'm on you're boyfriend's ass, this beat go boom boom fast" I sang obnoxiously

Finally Sasuke snapped and covered my mouth with his hands.

"Will you shut up?!? No one wants to here that stuff it's...perverted." he said blushing.

Smirking I licked his hand and laughed when he freaked out.

"Come on, Sasuke you know I lick; not suck." I giggled before disappearing.

"Teens are so innocent minded it's just sad." I said as I reappeared in town square.

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