Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 23

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I felt Lucille struggling to be let out, to kill the man that caused both of us such misery; but for some reason I just… couldn’t bring myself to hate him. Maybe it’s because of the exhaustion or… it was truly inevitable. There was no avoiding it any long; lying for so many years.

And for what?

This was my fault; not this asshole. Though, he was a real dick about it; I can’t exactly hate him for doing what he did.

I didn’t turn around, partly because I was completely nude and also so he’d get the message to back off. Bringing around the object in my vector’s hand, I felt a wave of surprise hit me when I lifted up the bar of soap.

He wasn’t trying to hurt me?

“I assumed you may need it.”

I nodded, sinking down in the water so that the only thing he could see were my shoulder blades up. It was as low I could get in the water without getting on my knees.

“I’m surprised Kakashi didn’t kill you.”

“I got away while he was distracted by your little show.”

The comment irked me; but I let it go.

“You caused quite the scene yourself, Zabuza. You’ve caused me a great deal of trouble.”

I heard him chuckled lightly as I ran the soap up and down my arms, relishing in its vanillas scent.

“Are you still going to kill me?”

I paused, thinking about that for a second.

“… No. There is no point; I’m sick of killing. The thrill of it just isn’t worth it anymore… That’s the difference between Lucille and I; I actually think about the consequences.” My voice remained calm.

He hummed in amusement from behind me.

“I see… How old are you now, Lucy?”

I turned my head to look at him, put back by his strange question. What does that have to do with anything? Weirdo…

“I’m seventeen.”

“Wow… has it really been eight years since I met that scared skinny girl?” he mused, grinning through the bandages around his mouth.

I let the soap lather between my breasts, listening to him attentively while keeping my guard up in case he decides to jump me while I’m obviously vulnerable.  

“Lucille must have blocked that memory from me, because I don’t remember you.” I replied casually.

“She can do that?”

“She has more control than you realize… we are sisters. Twins at that. She has great influence over me.”

“I see… would you like to know then?”

I took a moment to respond, thinking it over. While I thought, I ran the vanilla soap underneath my breasts, over my ribs. I don’t see anything wrong with him telling me… even if he lies, I know Lucille will correct him.

“Yes… don’t twist the truth though, because I’ll know whether or not it’s true. Lucille is listening too.”

I listened to him settle on the ground at the root of the tree, resting his back against its trunk. He sighed loudly, taking in large gulps of air in order to tell what apparently seems like a long story.

“I was passing through The Hidden Mist; just a supply trip. At the time, I was a new Rogue and had to take a different route in order to get into the village; that’s when I heard a little girl crying. The route I take is a small river that leads into the village’s body of water and is hidden well in a cavern; where I found you.” He started, his words sounding almost fond.

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