Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 10

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“Shut up. It’s not funny, damnit.” I muttered cheeks all hot.

Rigid, I stood in front of Sasuke and watched as he tried and failed to hold in his laughter. Ive never been a model type but this is just ridicules!

The maid uniform is way too tight, practically suffocating me while I tried to sneak away. The skirt ends right above my knees, lace tickling my legs in the process.  Its black and lace lined the skirt, sleeves, and apron.

“Can I go change now?! This is humiliating…” I muttered blushing madly.

Finally done laughing, he nodded not able to speak quite yet. Running, I slammed the bathroom door and got changed into my comfortable black skinny jeans with a blue tank top with ‘It’s Only GAY If You Swallow’ written across the front. Quickly, I brushed my teeth and hair, tying two blue ribbons around my horns.

“Alright lets hit it!” I exclaimed dragging Sasuke out of my apartment, running to the training grounds.

Seeing Naruto and ugly- I mean Sakura ahead I let go of Sasuke and tackled Naruto to the ground.

“Wow! Someone’s excited.” Naruto said from underneath me, still a bit flabbergasted from the sudden football tackle.

Sitting up, I sat on his stomach pretending to curiously look around our little group or team.

“Really? Who? Sasuke looks as emo as ever and Sakura is… well Sakura’s just a bitch.” I said sticking my tongue out at the ugly pink chick just a couple feet away from me. 

Sasuke just crossed his arms and did his little ‘hn’ while Sakura’s inner thoughts jumbled around violently. What’s a morning without giving her a hard time?

“Alright, alright, let’s not ruin this perfectly nice morning, Lucy.” Kakashi said walking toward us.

Without even a little bit of a warning, Naruto shot up and shouted at Kakashi, launching me face first into the dirt. And I mean that literally, my ass was stuck up in the air with my face planted straight into the ground.

Hearing a distinct chuckle, I glared up at the raven haired boy, cursing his first born child inertly.

“I fucking hate you, duck butt.” I mumbled darkly, trying unsuccessfully to squish him with my telepathy.

Too bad I don’t have telepathy or he would be as flat as the damn road.

“Oh come on, you had to know that was coming.” He chuckled, offering me his hand.

Grudgingly, I took it and stood up letting go to dust off the dirt from my pants. Afterwards, Kakashi led us to a clearing where we sat down next to a stump.

“Yay! It’s story time!” I cheered causing everyone to sweat drop

“I’m afraid not, Lucy. These are the rules for this training.” Kakashi went on and on about the bells and how we had to get them or we’ll fail blah blah blah.

This is gonna be a cake walk for me, but now that I think about it, Sasuke and Naruto are probably gonna have a hard time with this…

“…I want you guys to have the intention of killing me.” Kakashi said which was the only part I got.

My head snapped up and I raised my hand earnestly, waving it around like a retard.

Sighing, Kakashi pointed to me giving me permission to ask my oh so important question.

“Ok, so let’s say one of us do end up killing you; what should we do then?” I asked like a total smartass.

Even under his mask I could see his smile growing and his eyes closed.

“Trust me, it won’t get to that point.” He said before going back into his long as hell lecture which I bluntly ignored.

Finally, we stood up and got ready to go…


Immediately everyone shot off, hiding behind trees and bushes, except me. I swiftly climbed a tree and sat on the branch, hidden behind the brush of leaves.

Looking around I noticed Sasuke was in a tree several feet away from me while Pinky hid in a bush across the clearing. Wait…where the hell is Naruto?

Hearing a familiar battle cry, I looked down in doom to see Naruto charging Kakashi, kunai in hand while Kakashi stood casually reading his dirty ‘Make out Paradise’ book. Sincerely that damn series is porn in a book, what would our forefathers say?

A splash broke my train of thoughts and I looked down to see Naruto had somehow ended up in the small lake in the corner of the clearing. That poor idiot…

Suddenly, Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving even me in confusion. A shrill scream made me jump slightly and I looked over to see Sakura wasn’t at the bushes anymore.

Shit, he’s probably taking us out one by one now. Swiftly I hurled myself to another tree hoping he won’t find me.  


Startled a bit, I looked down and burst out in hysterical laughter at Sasuke who was sticking up from the ground his head the only thing surfaced.

“Holy shit, you let an old man get the drop on you!” I shouted, laughing so hard I’m literally crying.

“He’s gonna get you too if you don’t shut up and help me.” He muttered sourly.

Chuckling, I quickly dug him out and stood aside while he dusted himself off.

“Peace and good luck, duck butt.” I said blowing him a kiss before running off to go find that old pervert.

Finally, I spotted him standing in clear view reading that damn book and decided this is probably the best time to get that bell…

Kakashi’s P.O.V.

Hearing a soft brush of movement, I listened to the surrounding sounds trying to hear something out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my book right out of my hands and chucked it across the clearing.

What the-

Next thing I knew, transparent arms shot towards me while I jumped backwards dodging right before they struck the ground leaving a ditch behind.

Again and again, the hands stretched faster to grab me before I dodged them. Until finally they quit vanishing as if they were never here at all.

“Hey Kakashi!”

Turning, my jaw dropped when I saw Lucy sitting on a branch my book in one hand and a silver bell in the other an innocent smile playing her lips. 

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