Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 14

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“That’s a bit…sad.” Sasuke said from beside me as we walked down the street, heading towards the clothes shop.

I scoffed and punched him in the shoulder.

“So what if I get along better with guys than most girls? Most of the girls here are a bunch of bitches anyways!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.

Papa ended up just lending me some money from his own pocket, waving me off when I attempted to make up an excuse for him to not lend me money. He just went on saying it was his job as my guardian and blah blah blah…I finally just took it and ran, not feeling up to arguing with him.

“As true that might be, I can’t believe you don’t have one girlfriend. I thought you girls traveled in groups or something.” He said shrugging his arms over his head in a lazy manner.

I rolled my eyes at his tone. He says it like we’re some sophisticated foreign species…

“Whatever, I’m not going to argue I’m already in a pissy mood. I hate borrowing money from people…” I muttered pursing my lips in distaste.

He chuckled from beside me then opened the door to the clothes shop, letting me walk in first before following behind me. Inside the shop was small and not very crowded with racks and racks of basic ninja gear and clothes.

I grabbed Sasuke’s hand and dragged him to the back of the store where my style of clothes were sold discreetly.

“Alright since you so graciously agreed to accompany on this trip, you have to be the judge on what looks good and what doesn’t. And don’t lie either; I’ll know if you lie.” I said, tapping his nose with my finger in which he brushed off.

He took a defensive stance and thrust his finger, pointing obnoxiously at me.

“I did not agree to anything! You purposely kidnapped me away from training and told me if I wanted to live another day to come with you on a mission! I thought you were seriously going to kill me or something!” he exclaimed loudly.

I just shrugged and turned around walking away from him and the many customers that decided to stare at him like an alien.

Minutes later, I was in the changing room near the back of the store while Sasuke stood outside, grumbling and cursing my very existence. I swiftly changed in the first outfit; a pair of simple black shorts and a wide shouldered long sleeved black sweater with ‘Evil Knows Best’ written across in neon green font.

I opened the curtain the hid me from the rest of the store and whistled for Sasuke’s attention that was at the moment lost in space. He glanced over and smirked.

“’Evil knows best’? That fits your personality a bit too well, don’t you think?” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. He’s such an ass as true as that is…

“I don’t care about that; as true as it might be. Does it look good?” I asked, twirling dramatically, causing my long pink hair to twirl along with me.

He nodded and said a quick ‘next’ so I did as asked by the audience and changed into another pair of bark purple shorts and a tight plain work out shirt for training. It strained my breasts a bit too tight for comfort and I walked out, blushing from the discomfort and the fact that my chest was so…exposed in this tiny thing.

“’s a bit tight, but how does it look?” I asked nervously looking to see Sasuke’s face light up like a cherry.

“W-Way too tight! Geez, are you even wearing anything underneath?” He muttered trying to look at anything but me.

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