Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 6

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Next thing I know, he brought us up on the roof of the academy to tell him about ourselves. Of course Sakura just had to be annoying. Why cant she just...not talk?

“Why don’t you tell us about you, Sensei?” she asked her voice grating on my nerves.

He looked up in thought and told us...nothing. Absolutely freaking nothing.

“So all he told us was his name.” Sakura muttered. 

“No shit, Sherlock.” I mumbled leaning my chin into my hand.

I continued staring off into space, barely paying attention. Sakura just glared at me, but I ignored her.

“Now it’s your turn.” Kakashi said pointing to Naruto who smiled wide.

Oh God, I can just guess what he’s gonna say. It’s gonna be all about ramen, I swear he must have been born sucking on a ramen noodle instead of a binkie.

“I’m Uzamaki Naruto!” Naruto began while he played with his headband.

“I like cup ramen, but I like ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka-sensei bought for me more! I hate waiting the three minutes for it to cook!” he exclaimed.

Jeez, ramen is this kids freaking world.

 “My hobbies are to eat and compare different cup ramen! And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages!” he said, practically seeping in pride.

I smiled genuinely and pat his head.

Kakashi seemed satisfied with his answer and looked at Frankenstein- Oh, I mean Sakura.

“Ok next.” Kakashi said and pointed at Sakura.

Someone kill me now! He just had to ask her to talk!

“I’m Haruno Sakura! I like well. . .the person I like is. . .” she started giggling and sneaking stupid glances at Sasuke.

“And my hobby is well. . .My dream is to. . .” she eeped like a stupid fan girl.

Wow that wasn’t obvious at all...

“Technically her hobby is stalking Sasuke and her dream is to become sweet old Mrs. Uchiha.” I said in a dull tone earning a dagger like glare from Sakura.

I couldn’t help, but notice the smirk that grew under Kakashi’s mask.

“And what do you hate?” Kakashi asked sounding as bored as I am.

She stopped squealing and turned to glare at Naruto and me.

“Naruto and Lucy” she said her tone sour.

Naruto’s face fell and he dropped in an anime fall while I just flipped her off. She can suck my-

“Next!” Kakashi said pointing at Sasuke interrupting my train of thought.

“My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are a lot of things that I hate and very few things that I like. . .” he said not sparring any of us a glance.

Sakura’s face fell slightly while I snickered.

“Also I don’t have a dream, but an ambition that I will drive to becoming real.” he paused.

“I will revive my clan and kill a certain man.” He finished, glaring off into the distance.

I felt myself soften at the memory of when I learned about Sasuke’s goal to kill his elder brother. The pain he must deal with every must be terrible to hold on his shoulders. I patted his back gently before pulling my hand back and turning towards Kakashi.

“I guess that just leaves me, huh?” I said, smirking.

He sighed before nodding.

“Well my name is Lucy and no, I do not know my last name, because I don’t have one. I like to swim at night and to sing. Umm... my bestest friends are my buds Naruto and Sasuke here.” I said wrapping both my arms around there shoulders briefly.

Naruto chuckled while Sasuke just huffed and blushed.

“Ok and what else?” Kakashi asked.

I tapped my chin in thought.

“Well I guess my hobbies are singing and dancing. I absolutely hate annoying people *cough* Sakura*cough*” she glared at me while I faked my coughs.

“And I’m scarred crapless of the dark and small places. I get a little claustrophobic when I’m in tight spaces.” I said rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

Suddenly, I became serious.

“My goal is to atone for my past sins and protect the people I care about.” I said in a serious tone, matching the same as Naruto when he talks about becoming Hokage.

Sasuke and Kakashi seemed a little surprised to hear that from me. Kakashi was the first to give me a genuine smile and nodded obviously approving.

“All right you four have very unique personalities! Be ready tomorrow; we’re going on a mission.” He said standing up. Mission?

“Mission, my ass. They may fall for your crap, but I won’t Kakashi.” I said, narrowing my eyes.  

He smiled lazily, scratching the back of his head.

“You’re smart, Lucy. This isn’t any normal mission, it’s survival training. Out of twenty-seven graduates, only nine are going to become genins.” he said smirking like the chesire cat.

“The other eighteen will get sent back to the academy... in other words this training will be hard test with a drop out rate of sixty-six percent.” He finished lightly.


After that he just told us to meet him here and blah blah blah. Why can’t he just shut up and let me go home?

“Oh and don’t eat breakfast or you’ll puke.” He said before disappearing. I heard everyone gulp nervously while I just stood up and stretched.

What a bunch of babies...

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