Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 17

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Clenching onto Sasuke’s hand painfully, I put one foot in front of the other as everyone walked ahead of us, glancing behind to give me a worried look every couple steps.

I already reminded them twice now that I’m fine, but they must have seen through my feeble lie. My knees quacked with every step and my heart was racing so fast I didn’t think my breathing could catch up. Maybe they can hear my heart, so they keep looking back to make sure I haven’t started seizuring.

Yeah, that’s got to be it…

The gravel path we continued to walk on suddenly turned from green grass and grey pebbles to black pavement and beautiful White Oleanders…

That’s when my arms began to tremble.

The muscles unconsciously clenched and unclenched as I fought the urge to run away, in the complete opposite direction of my birth home. The idea to sit down and refuse to go, like a toddler came to mind, but I fought it off.

This is something that isn’t just going to go away. I have to face it.

Sasuke gaze my hand a brief squeeze, when we finally turned the corner to reveal the ashes of what used to be my home village. We walked slowly, Sasuke looking around in awe at the destruction.

Don’t act so impressed; it’s not hard to light a match, Sasuke.

The thought was bitter, but it was mine, not Lucille’s. It wasn’t hard to burn this horrid place to the ground, but several houses still stood, charcoaled by the fire. The deeper we went in, the more piles of charred skeletons turned up. Piled on and scattered to the sides of the streets.  

I glanced up, noticing Sakura looking like she was about to vomit, nose scrunched up and mouth twisting in disgust. I should have expected just as much, she’s so innocent. And the lingering smell of decaying flesh isn’t helping, but somehow it’s the smell that’s comforting. Reminds me that the evil is gone now, but somehow lingers.

A bitter memory that sits in the back of my mind.

I killed these people; these evil human beings that made my life a living hell. Then why do I feel so bad for what I did?

~Maybe, because I did it. I took over for you while you sat in the back of our mind like a fucking coward. ~

Her voice was like salt in the wound in my heart. Reminding me that she is real…and that I’m insane. Not all of them were bad to me…I never had the chance to leave my home.

~But they let your parents act horribly towards you! You don’t think they heard your screams when that drunken fool raped you? ~

Gasping, I fell to my knees. Never had I used that word…rape…that’s exactly what he did.

~He tormented you, Lucy! Just as these others will do…don’t get comfortable. As soon as they find out what happened they will never treat you the same. ~

“Shut up!”

Stop…please. I can’t think about that. I love these people, I can’t let something like this take that away.


I glanced up slowly; Sasuke was crouching next to me, his hand softly rubbing my shoulder. He’s trying to sooth me, see? He won’t leave me.

“I’m sorry…over there. That’s where I used to live.”

I pointed over to the charred two story house we were standing in front of. Despite the fact I had ignited the fire there, it still stood tall. The outside was built from brown brick so it just burnt the roof where it looked like it caved in and burnt away.

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