Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 24 *Final*

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We actually sat in the springs for another hour, but I made him sit a ways away from me so I could finish washing up. The man didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was sizing me up, letting his eyes skate over my skin.

I called him out on it a couple times, but he’d just grin through the bandages he had re assembled after our awkward kiss. Cocky bastard…

When I finally dressed back into my t-shirt and panties, Zabuza frowned like he disapproved.

“Is that the only thing you wore?”

I shrugged.

“I was kind of in a hurry to get away… You know, I’m going to have to go back to get my stuff. I mean I left behind all my money, clothes, and weapons. I need that stuff.”    

He nodded, looking up at the setting sun.

“We should go now then. By the time we get there, do you think they’ll be asleep?”

I nodded, wringing my hair out so it wouldn’t soak my shirt.

We set out after that, gliding skillfully from tree to tree. I watched him from the corner of my eye, letting myself admire his grace for being such a big man and having to carry that huge ass sword.

For the time being, I trust I’ll be safe with this man, despite his hard demeanor. As much as I love Naruto, Sasuke and the village as a whole; I know I can never return. I’ll never have what I did before this damn mission. Before they knew the truth.

The thoughts didn’t do much to improve my already digressing mood, but I pushed on. The only way to go from here is forward. This is my life, and I refuse to let my horrid childhood play a part in it.

Zabuza traveled ahead of me, as I glided behind him, letting my mind wander momentarily. He didn’t seem to mind taking the lead, but kept glancing back with concerned grey eyes.

It didn’t take us much longer to reach the woods right outside of the house of the bridge builder.

“I’ll be quick.” I mumbled.

Before I could walk any further, he grabbed my wrist.

“How do I know you aren’t going to rat me out to Kakashi?”

I blinked, thinking over his words.

“You asked me to trust you with my life; now I ask that you trust me.”

For a moment, I saw the pride gleaming in his eyes before they glazed over and he nodded, letting me go.

Quietly, I leaped back into the still wide open window of my room, sensing no one inside. I kept myself scarce, pulling on a pair of grey sweat pants and a black hoodie with ‘Impossible Temptation’ written across the front is white drippy lettering.

I packed the rest of my clothes and guns back into my pack, strapping my ninja sandals on, right before I quietly opened my door and wandered into the hallway. The house was completely dark and seemingly vacant if it weren’t for Naruto’s obnoxious tossing and turning from down the hall. The sound had me smiling.

God, I’m going to miss that boy…

And suddenly, I felt torn. I stopped outside the front door, the door that would take me back to Zabuza, to a different life. And, for once I actually hesitated. Can I at least say goodbye…?

Naruto’s P.O.V.

The day had been chaotic, searching everywhere for Lucy, only to come up empty. Kakashi was the only one to join me since that jerk Sasuke refused to leave his room and Sakura had been assigned to keep an eye on the old geezer.

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