Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 19

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Sasuke’s sudden good mood didn’t falter, not even after we were packed and on our merry way. I had changed (after pushing Sasuke out of the tent) into a simple pair of black shorts and thigh high black stockings. I slipped on a slim fit violet t-shirt that had ‘Normal People Scare Me’ printed across in bold black letters. Somehow, I managed to lose my ribbons when I took them out last night, so I substituted my genin headband and tied it around me head and around my horns.

Kakashi gave me quite the look when he noticed my shirt.

“You always tend to explain everything in your t-shirts, Lucy.”

I grinned.

“Love you too, Sensei.”

He rolled his eye, before turning back to walk next to the bridge builder, keeping look out for any attackers.

I scoff, frowning.

I don’t understand his logic. He only uses one eye! How can he possibly guard anyone properly, when he can’t see everything around him?

Sasuke must have caught wind of my thoughts, because he chuckled lowly next to me. I pouted and stuck my tongue out childishly.

He smirked and turned his attention back to the road… well actually we’re coming up to a muggy river now. A sense of déjà vu came over me as I sucked in a lungful of moist air. I remember this river… I recall briefly my young body, shivering from the dry blood scabbed onto my arms and legs.

I shiver, shaking my head at the thoughts.

I need to quit living in the past… or I won’t have anything close to a future. Just need to get through this mission then back home.

A long wooden boat was shored, waiting for us with a thin man standing inside, holding a rowing rod. He nodded to the bridge builder and Kakashi as he helped us all in, giving us an amused look.

Yeah, we get it. We’re still teenagers. Get over it.

I rolled my eyes and declined his helping hand as I crawled into the boat, sitting next to Naruto and laying my head on his shoulder.

“You tired, Lucy? We didn’t do a lot of walking today…” he mused.

I sighed, snuggling closer.

“No it’s not like I got like maybe a handful of hours of sleep last night.” I mumbled sarcastically into his jumpsuit, my face stuffed into his shoulder.

Mmm… he smells good. Like freshly cleaned clothes out of the dryer.   

He chuckled, letting me rest on his shoulder, as I cuddled his arm. Oh, how I miss this kid. We used to be so much closer when we were younger, then we just… drifted a bit. I guess that happens when you start going through the whole growing up process. But, with what happened yesterday, going to my birthplace… I just feel exponentially closer to everyone.

Maybe even Sakura…

I glanced up and caught her giggling at something Sasuke said, touching his arm softly.

Nope, still hate that bitch.

But, I let it go. She can flirt all she wants with him; I know Sasuke. He has no interest in Sakura besides a close to useless teammate.

The boat dipped and lifted out of the water softly, soothing us with the silence and peace of the trip. I clung to Naruto, dipping in and out of consciousness as the boat ride went on and on for several minutes. Even Sakura managed to quit her annoying giggling and kept her big mouth shut.

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