Impossible Temptation (A Naruto Love Story) Chapter 4

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Lucy's P.O.V.

“Sasuke? What are you doing here?” I was pretty surprised and thankful at how calm my voice sounded in the current situation.

He seemed to finally come out of his daze and looked down quickly. He bent down and picked up the book he had obviously dropped and motioned toward it.

“I-I forgot my b-book. I l-left it the other d-day.” He stuttered, still refusing to look up at me

. I noticed a strawberry red blush rise up in his cheeks and couldn’t help but smile knowing I was the one who caused it. Deciding to torture him a little, I walked over to him; close I might add and looked up making him meet my gaze.

I cocked my head playfully, smiling innocently. 

“What’s wrong, Sasuke-kun? Never seen a girl in a towel before?”

His blush brightened and he coughed trying to cover it up. Chuckling, I leaned back up and was about to go change when his hand caught mine. I raised an eyebrow at him while he blushed harder, but still refused to let my hand go.

“You need something, Sasuke?” I asked becoming impatient.

If he thinks about pulling some stupid stunt you better believe I’m gonna beat the living shit out of him. He just nodded and looked away from my intense stare.

“Y-You know that favor f-from earlier?” he stuttered out still refusing to meet my confused gaze.

Okay, he’s definitely thinking like a perverted teen, I can practically see the pink-ish aura radiating off of him signaling me that he isn’t thinking like a fifteen year old should. At least not about his best friend.

I nodded narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously. Suddenly, he tugged on my arm hard, causing me to stumble into his arms. I was about to pull back when his arms encircled my waist holding my damp body close to him.


This time it was me who was stuttering and practically speechless. He didn’t try anything too bad just pulled me against him in a warm hug causing my face to flush. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around him resting them on his lean back and rested my head against his shoulder. It’s been awhile since we’ve done something like this, since his clan was literally demolished. Since then he’s been a hard shell, hiding all his pain and hatred inside.

“This is nice.” He murmured into my neck causing me to shiver from his hot breath warming up my skin

. I nodded and sighed in relief. It is nice, but unfortunately kinda awkward, you know with me being in only a towel pressed against him.  I raised my mouth up to his ear.

“Umm... Sasuke I love hugging you and all, but I’m kinda cold and well naked. Can I go get dressed?”

I noticed him shiver and smirked knowing it was because of me. He reluctantly released me and I  skipped into my room to get dressed. Drying myself off, I pulled on some undergarments before pulling on my long ‘Mickey Mouse’ night gown and a night hat kinda like Naruto’s dog one but mine is a cat instead.

Waving off the memory of us buying them together, I finished dressing.

When I came back out of my room I noticed that there was no Sasuke, but a small note attached to the fridge. I walked over and took it down, reading over it;


Sorry I had to leave. Have to go train by myself before it gets too late.

P.S. - your debt has been paid off. Thanks for the hug.

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