This Is Our Relationship

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We normally start the morning off with our morning talks. Zac was already up pacing back and forth so I knew he had something on his mind that he wanted to get off his chest.

Fatima: Hey babe your're up early what's on your mind

Zac: Everything, every time I take two steps forward I get knocked back 6 steps. I am really trying here but it seems as if my best isn't enough

Fatima: I see the steps you are taking and trust me babe it's all going to get better. And you are not in this alone I am here for you in any way you need me. Once we really figure out this baby situation with Karen with proper DNA results that will be one less thing you have to worry about.

Zac: Now that I'm trying to do right all these women come out the weeds like Zac this Zac that. (his hands flying all over the place)

Fatima: Well, you know you were out there just giving it to anybody and I mean anybody lol

Zac: That's not funny Fatima, I was on my young boy thing then. Now I'm on my grown man plus I got a real women on my side so I have to match your energy. You make me a better me, you make want more out of life.

Fatima: I definitely see you on your grown man ish and that shit turns me on

Zac: I know it does ( he starting hyping himself up like he was the shit)

Fatima: I know we both have a lot going on with our businesses potential baby mamas and even messy friends and family. But me and you have to stay connected and grounded we have to be on the same page.

I'm not gone lie we do have some things we have to work through but a lot of our problems have been coming from outsiders because we are allowing them to interfere in our business.

Zac: (Smacks his lips) Now you know you tell your girls everything and I mean everything. At least I be telling my boys to mind their business because I'm dealing with dumb and dumber.

Fatima: I know I need to dial it back when it comes to some things so I will work on that. Me and Belinda are done for sure we have nothing else to talk about once you cross me you won't get another chance to cross me again. And Angela gone be sitting right next to her because she keep trying to include her in the equation like we cool.

Zac: Well good luck with that. I'm gone let you handle that and I'll keep my boys on a leash.

Fatima: Good you do that because Nate got one more time to disrespect me and we gone have a problem.

Zac: We don't need those problems and trust me Nate already got enough problems of his own.

Fatima: Oh I know

Zac: Okay, are we done with our morning talk because I don't want to talk about these people no more I want to put my lips on something else. ( he starting puckering his lips up to give me a kiss)

Fatima: Not yet, we both got some family drama going on too and any time they come in our presence it messes up the mood and atmosphere. Can we agree that we will not allow them to overstep or disrespect our relationship. We will keep them on a long leash if we have to. At least the therapy is working so that's a plus.

Zac: Oh I agree with you 100% on that topic, my people can stay far away especially after the last stunt they pulled. I got my own problems I can't take on 2 more grown adults that are not my problem.

Fatima: I second that, now come and give me some Zac Zaddy

Zac: That's all you had to say, Zac Zaddy is about to deliver

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