No More Disrespect!

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Zac: Good Morning babe you're up early (walking up behind Fatima and hugging her from the back)

Fatima: Yeah I have a long day ahead of me I have work then class later. I figured I let you sleep since I put it on you so good last night you were snoring

Zac: Stop playing with me I was not snoring, but you definitely put me to sleep.

Fatima: And did! as I always do. I know I been extra busy but I am almost to the finish line with this last class then I take the test to see if I pass the bar.

Zac: Okay lawyer bae loading and there is no if you will pass. My baby got beauty and brains.

Fatima: Thank you baby. What do you have planned today?

Zac: Bryce and myself have a meeting to go over some projects we have lined up and look at some properties.

Fatima: I am glad you both worked through your issues and are able to keep a professional work relationship:

Zac: Yeah we work well together. Long as he keep that other shit to himself we good. He's been doing good so far and hasn't been invading my personal space.

Fatima: Well that's good because he don't need another episode like we had at dinner.

Zac: Trust me if he mess up or step out of line again there will be no more chances.

Fatima: I am about to head out, I will be late so don't wait up for me. ( leaning in to give Zac a kiss)

Zac: You know I'm going to wait up for you so I can rub your feet and you can tell me how work and class went.

Fatima: Alright, love you

Zac: Love you more

Since I had some time to kill before meeting up with Bryce I decided to clean out my car. As I was walking outside here comes Deja walking out too. Dammit I swear her ass be stalking me she ain't never at work. I tried to act like I didn't hear her and kept walking.

Deja waving her hands in the air Hey Zac, Zac I know you hear me.

Zac: What you want Deja?

Deja: Dang I was just saying hey, I can't say hey to my neighbor

Zac: You never just want to say hey you always causing some drama.

She pointed to herself in disbelief

Deja: Me drama! no that's yo fiancé, I don't know why she don't like me.

Zac: Well you haven't been a great tenet or respectful so there's a couple reasons

Deja: She's crazy how can you be someone like her? She dragged me out the hot tub and threw my groceries on the lawn.

Zac: Deja what do you want I am busy and I would like to get back to what I was doing.

Deja: I was coming to tell you that my ceiling fan was making a weird noise and I was trying to see if you can come see it.

Zac: As I told you before put in a ticket and maintenance will come out within 48 hours to get it fixed.

Deja: Huffing and puffing why I gotta put in a ticket when my landlord lives right next door?

Zac: That's the problem I allowed you to overstep and made you feel comfortable enough to be disrespectful.So now I have to set some boundaries. So if you want it fix put in a ticket

Deja: Well I can sue you for not coming to fix things that are broken

Zac: Good luck with that, you see who happened last time you tired to sue Fatima it didn't work in your favor. But go head give it a try

Deja: That's because her crazy ass told lies

Zac: As I said before stop disrespecting my fiancé and follow the proper line of procedures and there won't be any issues

Deja: FINE, I will put in a ticket

Zac: Thank you and don't forget your lease is up in 60 days

Deja: Okay, I want to lease it again for another 6 months where do I get the new paperwork.

Zac: Oh that won't be happening I got plans for the other side

Deja: Zac you really not gone let me lease again, I thought we were better than that. I promise I won't cause no more drama and I will keep my music down. Please Zac please

She started to get on her knees and beg

Zac: Deja get up

Deja: Not until you say yes

Zac: I'll think about it now can you leave me alone.

Deja: Yay!! I will let you get back to what you were doing

Gosh she works my damn nerves, she like a little gnat couldn't get rid of her. I wasn't thinking about nothing it has already been decided that I will not be leasing to her again. She's been a neighbor from hell. I guess Fatima was right.

As soon as she walked in the house here comes Nate calling my phone

Zac: What's up Nate

Nate: Dang why you acting like I'm bothering you breathing all hard

Zac: First it was Deja now you bothering me knowing you don't won't want nothing.

Nate: Oh my little shawty from next door tell her I said hey and call me.

Zac: I ain't telling her shit, and that's your problem now and why you sleeping on Tony's couch is because you don't know when to grow up. I thought you were trying to get back with Lori

Nate: I mean I am but what she don't know won't hurt

Zac: You know what Nate I'm about to hang up because you're tripping

Nate: You're just jealous because I got the best of both worlds

Zac: JEALOUS! I see Lori must of went upside your head to many times for you to think I would ever be jealous of you but if that's what you think then so be it. But what I am not about to do is entertain you when you ain't got shit to show for.

Nate: Just because Fati

Before he can even get out Fatimas name I hung up him. I don't know what is was with Nate but the disrespect that he has had towards Fatima since day one is crazy. I don't even know where it's coming from. This grown ass man can't take accountability for his own actions. I know we've been boys since Pee Wee but at what point where we as men put away childish things and grown up.

I am really trying to do the right thing and move forward but these friends of mine still want me to be the old Zac. Maybe they not meant to be in this next season of my life if they can't accept and respect what I am going towards

He kept calling back I just ignored his calls I know he was going to call Tony and tell him I was tripping as always.

I got everything done at work and headed home and waited on my baby to walk through the door.

Even though she said not to wait up for her I looked forward to her walking through the door and telling me how her day went.

I heard the key unlocking the door, my baby was home.

Fatima:Hey babe

Zac: Hey how's my lawyer babe?

Fatima: She is tired and ready for bed.

Zac: Well come here take your shoes off and let me rubs those feet.

Fatima: I will be glad when this is all over I am drained.

Zac: I know you are , let me go run you a hot bath so you can relax and unwind

Fatima: Thank you baby

While Fatima was taking a bath I decided to follow up on some emails by the time i got done and went upstairs Fatima was passed out. I pulled the cover on her and kissed her good night. My baby was really tired. I can't wait until all her hard work pays off she deserved it.

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