Things Ain't What It Seems

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I only seen Fatima break down and cry like that twice so I know she was hurt. I wish I could take all her pain away but I couldn't. I never want to be the reason her heart gets broken again. I know I've fucked up before but Fatima really made me want to do better. She actually made me feel like a man. I wanted to do better for myself too. I am not my past mistakes I know people are waiting on me to fuck up. But they can keep on waiting . The new and improved Zac is here to stay.

I decided to write Fatima a little motivation on the mirror so she would see it when she woke up.

"Love is what makes the ride worthwhile" I am glad I got on this ride with you. Today is a new start have a good day. Love Zac

The Airport

I decided to pay Danni a visit, I actually missed Danni. Out of everyone in the sister circle Danni was the realist.

I know she's going to be surprised to see me

I snuck up behind her and yelled Daniella King

Danni: What the hell are you doing here you don't work here anymore.

Zac: I can't come see mat friend

Danni: What do you want Zac?

Zac: Nothing how have you been Daniella

Danni: Stop saying my name like that and like you care.

Zac: I do care, and I wanted to see how you were doing with the whole Preston situation.

Danni: I'm doing great

Zac: You don't have to lie to me Danni, I know you're playing hard to get. I know you feeling Preston why you giving this man a hard time.

Danni: You were the one giving him shady advice remember. He wanted a reaction so he got one thanks to you

Zac: (Looking around like he was clueless) Who me?

Danni: Yeah, I know it was you how else would he have known about the moo boots chick and the girl from the gym.

Zac: I can't confirm or deny

Danni: You don't have to because I already know it was you. But that's okay

Zac: You should really give my guy a chance, he really loves you

Danni: I know that Zac

Zac: Then stop playing

Danni: That's that all you came up here for, did he put you up to this.

Zac: No I really came to check on my friend

Danni: Sure you did, how are things with Fatima, are you staying out the dog house

Zac: Things are better than ever and of course I am. Why are ya'll still betting on me?

Danni: Oh no, I know for a fact Karen doesn't stand a chance when it comes to Fatima. I knew ya'll were finished when you told her at my place.

Zac: Now if only she would have believed me the first time I told her. Now we just have to get through this baby situation.

Danni:(Throwing Shade) I forgot she don't know who her baby daddy is. Could be you, could be preacher man. Did she give you the date timeline that she got from her doctor.

Zac: What date timeline?

Danni: Andi and I went with her to her doctors appointment and they gave her a date in which the baby was conceived on. It not 100% accurate but close.

Zac: What date did they say?

Danni: The doctor said the 12th but she asked about the 19th.

Zac: And you sure the doctor said the 12th.

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