The Day Has Come

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Today is a big day for my baby exam day. Fatima has been working so hard and I can't wait to see the look on her face when she passes. As you can see I said when she passes we're claiming it.  I got up early so I could make her a light breakfast, while I was out I picked her up some roses and a new brief case. She was going to need a new one after today, I had someone to engrave her initials on it. I know she's going to love it. Let's see if she catches that I added a T for Taylor verses a W for Wilson. I am two steps ahead of her.

Planting small kisses on her lips rise and shine today is the big day. 

Fatima: (Yawning and stretching) I am not ready, I'm nervous

Zac: You are ready you have prepared for this. It's okay to be nervous but you got this babe. Now come on I made you a light breakfast so you won't be testing on an empty stomach.

Fatima: I really can't eat anything right now my stomach is in knots I really don't have an appetite

Zac: Can you at least try to drink something

Fatima: Sure

Bringing a fresh squeezed glass of orange juice. She took a couple sips before I knew it she was running to the bathroom hovering over the toilet throwing up

Zac: Babe are you okay?

Fatima: No can you please give me a cold rag

Zac running to get the rag

Zac: Do you need anything else?

Fatima: Some water please 

Zac brought her a glass of water and pressing the cold rag on her forehead. 

Zac: Babe are you sure you're okay?

Fatima: Yeah I think I'm just nervous that's all

Zac: Come sit back down on the bed take a moment we can't have you getting sick on your big day.

Fatima: I'll be fine I'm about to shower so I won't be late.

Zac: Okay I'll be waiting for you when you get out.

Fatima: Okay

The hot water felt amazing hitting my body. I can't believe that all my hard work is about to pay off. I worked so hard for this moment. My nerves were getting the best of me I needed to relax and take a deep breathe. I kept telling myself you got this Fatima, today is your day.

I got dressed and headed downstairs and to my surprise Zac had roses and a gift on the counter.

Fatima: Zac, you did not have to do this (smiling from ear to ear)

Zac: I know I didn't but I wanted you to feel special on your big day. And that's not it look in the bag.

Zac was smiling hard he was happy about his gift.

Fatima: Wow you did this all by yourself? (pulling the briefcase out of the bag) 

Zac: That's not it look at the bag closely

Fatima: Awe babe you got my initials on the bag. I see what you did though FT ( Fatima Taylor)

Zac: That's right my future wife and lawyer. 

Fatima: (Giving Zac the biggest hug ever) Thank you baby this is everything to me.

Zac: You're welcome but that's not it go to the door.

Fatima: Who's at the door? It better not be Angela or my momma

Zac: I ain't that crazy especially on your big day

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