Our Family Is Complete

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It was the first night we had a baby in the house neither one of us got any sleep. Zac didn't feel right sleeping while I kept waking up to take care of Zaya. Every time I got up Zac was right there with me

Zac: Come here I got something to show you things didn't go as planned because Zaya was making her grand entrance into the world. Dramatic just like her mama 

Fatima: Watch it 

Zac: Close your eyes

Fatima: I got the baby in my hands I ain't closing my eyes 

Zac: Then give me her and close your eyes, hold on to me so you won't go bumping into anything 

Zac lead Fatima to Zaya room. She wasn't able to see the finished look because she went into labor with Zaya

Zac: Okay open your eyes 

Fatima: Oh my God this is so beautiful I love it. Everything turned out the way that I pictured it. I am going to cry 

Zac: Don't start that suck it up 

Fatima: You know I get emotional but I really love it 

Zac: Glad you love it 

Zac sat in the rocking chair rocking Zaya in his arms 

She's so beautiful I never thought I could love someone so much look at her little toes and fingers.

Fatima: I can't believe she is finally here 

Zac: You did an amazing job 

Fatima: Thank you that was the longest 14 hours ever I am just glad everything went smoothly and we both are healthy. Are you good with her while I go jump in the shower 

Zac: Of course daddy daycare in full effect go take a shower 

Fatima: You sure 

Zac: Yes now go on 

Fatima: Okay I will be quick just in case she wake up hungry 

Zac: Okay we will be sitting right here

Fatima went and took a shower 

Mommy think I can't take care of you do she know I practically had to raise myself. Zaya looked into Zac's eyes and gave a half smile 

Daddy's is going to give you the world and shower you with unconditional love that I was never given. You are everything that I never thought I needed. I am so glad your mom came into my life when she did you both are my saving grace

Fatima stood at the door wrapped in her towel as Zac was talking with Zaya. Fatima smiled what Zac didn't know that he and Zaya is everything that she needed too.

Fatima: You in here getting all emotional but you talking about me

Zac: And I meant every word of it too 

Fatima: I know you did 

Zac: You look good 

Fatima: Thank you I got a long way to go before my body will be back to normal but one day at a time no rush 

Zac: Take your time I heard breast feeding really helps with losing weight 

Fatima: It does 

Zac: Now don't go losing to much weight I like you thicky thick 

Fatima: You know that ain't going no where Zaya just made my hips a little wider 

Zac: Just how I like it thick in all the right places. And I have to wait 6 weeks 

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