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I am still tripping off of last night I can't believe they thought we were swingers. Everybody wanted some Zatima. I know we the shit but damn people really be out here plotting and you don't even know it.

Fatima was already dressed and ready for work.

Zac: Good Morning beautiful

Fatima: Good Morning babe

Zac: You're headed into the office early

Fatima: Yeah I got deadlines to meet and I want a head start before Andi comes in.

Zac: Okay I should be leaving behind you shortly got a busy day too

Fatima: Okay babe, I'll call you later

Zac: Okay, be careful make sure your new friends ain't hiding in the bushes

Fatima: It's too early for your mess, plus I blocked her last night after she texted saying sorry and if we can still run together. Nope I'm good because I don't know if you gone be looking at me side ways.

Zac: You know she would , she already said she felt like she knew you.

Fatima: Yeah okay bye

Trying to get ready so I can head out the door I hear the doorbell ring. I knew I wasn't expecting any visitors and Fatima was gone so I was gone wait until they left. But who ever it was kept ringing the doorbell.

Now at this point I'm mad, it bet not be Deja or no bad ass kids playing.

Swinging the door open WHAT! it was Fatima's mom

Oh someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Zac: No I didn't why are you ringing the door bell so many times and Fatima ain't here

Mrs.Wilson: Are you sure she's not here, or did she tell you to say that

Zac: I'm sure she's not here I would know. But I will tell her you stopped by

Mrs. Wilson: She is not returning my calls

Zac: Ummm I wonder why, could it be something that you did?

Mrs.Wilson: I know what I did was wrong but I am still her mother.

Zac: Just because your her mother doesn't give you the right to do what you did.

Mrs.Wilson: Why should I expect you to understand you don't have any kids.

Zac: And you're right and even if I did have kids I wouldn't have done what you did. Anyone could see that wasn't right. Now if you don't need anything else I need to finish getting ready for work.

Mrs.Wilson: Well I do have one small favor please

Zac: You asking me for a favor. The same one that judged me and thought I wasn't good enough for her daughter.

Mrs.Wilson: I made a mistake

Zac: You're only saying that because you need something for me

Mrs.Wilson: Can you just try to talk to her for me, try to put in a good word.

Zac: You tripping who do I look like, the answer is no you tried it

Mrs.Wilson: At least just think about it.

Zac: I already did, have a good day bye closing the door so I could finish getting ready for work.

No sooner as I get upstairs the door bell is ringing again. Shit man what the hell do ya'll want. Going back downstairs to see who it is

Swinging the door open and Deja was standing there with an empty container.

Slamming the door in her face nope not today.

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