Creating Memories I Never Had

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Everything over the last couple months have changed so drastically. I did not want to become a father this way but I have to step up and take care of my responsibilities. It's crazy ya boy is a daddy. I have already missed out on the beginning years so I have so much making up to do. I didn't have my father or a father figure around when I was growing up so that led me down the wrong path. I want to be a positive role model for Roman and someone he could look up to.

I couldn't wait to get lil man, Daddy Daycare is going to be lit!

Fatima: You are excited this morning

Zac: Yeah I get Roman later on today

Fatima: Okay, is Heather dropping him off?

Zac: Yes we are trying to work out a set schedule that works with both of us. And of course you know I am going to need your help.

Fatima: Of course I got you baby you know Fatima loves the kids.

Zac: I know that's why I'm trying to put a little Zac in you

Fatima: Calm down lets focus on the one and the possible you already have.

Zac: Yeah you're right

Fatima: I know I'm right. We're going to need a bigger place in a minute with all your little kids running around.

Zac: I know hear me out, once Deja lease is up I can covert that space into one big house. Since I have other properties I am still making money. And I don't know if I want to live next to my tenant ever again.

Fatima: Oh so now you don't want your tenant next door not a good decision is it?

Zac: Lets just say it wasn't the best decision.

Fatima: Okay I am going to head out for work, I will go to the grocery story later and pick up some items he may like. Make sure you go pick up some toys, clothes etc just in case Heather don't send him with anything. It's best to keep some here anyway.

Zac: Yeah you're right I'll go do that before I head into the office.

Fatima: Alright , you have a good day and I will see you both later love you (giving him a kiss goodbye)

Zac: Love you to baby

I pulled up to Target thinking I was about to grab a couple things for Roman I went overboard. I didn't know what he liked to play with so I got a little bit of everything.

I got a couple outfits so he could be stylish like his daddy and some hygiene stuff. I never had to buy for a little person before so this was actually dope.

I can admit I am a little nervous because I don't know how he will react. Will he like me , will he even like Fatima? And it got me thinking what has Heather even told him about me. We all know she isn't the brightest. I guess we will see later on tonight.

Heather texted trying to drop him off 2 hours early, she lucky I can make my own schedule. So instead of heading into the office I headed back home. I had to call Bryce to see if he could hold down all the meeting on his own today.

I wasn't even home a good thirty minutes before someone was ringing my doorbell. I know this better not be Heather. I opened the door and she was just standing there looking puzzled.

Heather: Are you gone invite us in or what?

Zac: Come in Heather ( motioning for her to come through the door)

Heather: Sorry I had to drop him off early I have to go into work. I heard the big spenders was coming out tonight so I had to make sure I'm in the building.

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