Game Plan

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Ebony: So what we gone do with them bitches, I say we just burn them alive in the house and that will be quick and easy 

Fatima: Naw they gone look into that real quick and her rich ass daddy got money he ain't gone believe the fire was an accident 

Ebony: Well you need to get rid of them fast because who knows what the hell they are cooking up 

Fatima: I need to find out who this Kelli bitch is first 

Ebony: You gotta deal with them , Gabby husband who else 

Fatima: Hell that's enough for now shit I need a break. Hopefully once all this is done I can take a vacation 

Ebony: Well promise me you will be careful 

Fatima: I will let me get you home before Tony start asking all these questions 

Ebony: You know he nosey as fuck and I get it I'm pregnant and he worries all the time especially after the car accident 

Fatima: I know he is Zac is the same way at this point he know I'm gone do it any way 

Ebony: You're right

Fatima dropped Ebony off then headed home 

When Fatima got home Zaya was waiting up for her 

Fatima: Zaya what are you still doing up

Zac: She wanted you to tuck her in she was adamant about it 

Fatima: I'm sorry 

Come on baby let me get you tucked in 

Zaya followed behind Fatima 

Fatima: Come on lets get you comfortable 

Zaya: Mommy are you about to be busy all the time like daddy 

Fatima: No why would you ask that 

Zaya: Because you are always leaving 

Fatima: Mommy is sorry I do have been a little busy. Mommy will try to be home more 

Zaya: Mommy when will you have another baby so I can have someone to play with 

Fatima choking 

Fatima: Oh sweetie I don't know you have Aiden, Grayson and Amir 

Zaya: But they don't live with me 

Fatima: Well let me talk to daddy try to get come sleep okay

Zaya: Night mommy I love you 

Fatima: Love you too sweetie 

Fatima walked into the room 

Fatima: You won't believe what your daughter just asked me 

Zac: What she ask 

Fatima: She wants a sibling 

Zac: I say lets give her what she wants let's start now. We should have had another one by now any way 

Fatima: Are we ready for another one

Zac: Yes we are you don't think we are

Fatima: I mean we we really got a lot of shit going on I would at least like to wait until we get all this stuff solved 

Zac: There is always going to be one problem after another do I think if we had another child right now it would be a problem no 

Fatima: I hear what you're saying and I am not saying no though. I am already stressed enough like I got bitches that I don't even know coming for us.

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