We All Have Choices

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We all make choices in life. You can't get mad when someone finally decides to break free from you. You've made your choice and I've made mine.

Today was session day with Dr. Reid and my mom. I can't believe she actually decided to come. I wasn't going to get my hopes up because she never showed up for me not once. Hell why should I even expect her to now.

I was going to go into it with an open mind and see what the outcome would be.

My plan was to do absolutely nothing today until my session later.I was tired and needed to relax.

Fatima: You're still in the bed, you don't have any meetings today.

Zac: Nope, I'm going to be a bum today I am tired I need to relax. I got a session later with Dr. Reid and my mom. Kicking his feet up and fluffing the pillows.

Fatima: Oh, that's good well you earned a day of relaxing especially after pulling off last night and then the workout after we got home.

Zac: I can go for round two

Fatima: I thought you just said you were relaxing

Zac: I am I mean I can relax once we do round two, trying to pull Fatima on the bed

Fatima: No Zac I am about to go for a run

Zac: Fine I guess I'll pull out my side chick

Fatima: Good she's collecting dust on the shelf

Zac: You know I'm just playing I'm not using that thing no more. Last time she had a malfunction and got stuck on my dick

Fatima: Laughing

Zac: That's not funny Fatima, she could have damaged my dick

Fatima: Stop crying you were fine it was just user error.

Zac: I know what happened I was there.

Fatima: Okay well I'll be back in a hour, I been slacking on working out so I need a good run

Zac: Okay don't pass out it's hot out there today.

Fatima: I'll be fine

That was a good run, I met a new neighbor who went running with me she just moved into the neighborhood. Zac was knocked out snoring when I got back he must have been wore out.

I showered and got an early start on cooking dinner. I didn't know what to do with all this free time I had since I finished school. I knew eventually once I builded up my clientele I wouldn't need to be Andi's assistant but in the mean time I will do both. It was getting later and later and Zac was still sleep

I went to wake him up

Fatima: Zac Babe wake up

Jumping up startled What did I miss?

Fatima: I don't want you to be late for your session with Dr. Reid.

Zac: Looking at the clock dang I slept that long, why didn't you wake me up?

Fatima: Because you needed the rest, now get up I made dinner so it will be ready for you when you get back.

Zac: Okay thank you baby

Showered and dressed in no time I was headed out the door.

Fatima: Hope you have a great session babe

Zac: Me too, I'll let you know how it goes when I get home

The Session

Dr.Reid: How's it going Zac?

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