Doing Better Than Ever

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Things are going better than ever. Fatima and I are on the same page and we are open and communicating. For a minute things were a little rocky and we were all over the place. We were so worried about what others thought about our relationship it was driving us apart. We've set healthy boundaries for our friends and family. And unfortunately we've had to cut ways with friends that we knew for decades, can't say it was easy but it was for the best.

If anyone would have told me that this is where my life would be I wouldn't have believed them. I've never prayed so hard for anything in my life, now I pray everyday that he continues to keep me and my family.

The old Zac use to be wild and out of control just sleeping with any and everything that walked. Not respecting women and looking for love in all the wrong places. Now the new and improve Zac is here to stay it's only up from here.

Zac: Good Morning sleepy head, someone was tired last night

Fatima: I told you I was tired, I tried to wait up for you but as soon as my head hit that pillow I was out.

Zac: Oh I could tell you were snoring with your mouth all open I could barely sleep

Fatima: No I was not

Zac: Yeah you were do I need to reenact how you were

Fatima: Babe stop I was tired

Zac: I'm just playing with you but your little snore is cute. Do you have a busy day scheduled at work?

Fatima: No why?

Zac: I have a surprise for you during your lunch

Fatima: Oooh what is it?

Zac: If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise

Fatima: Can I at least get a hint?

Zac: Nope because I know you're going to be trying to figure it out until you know what it is

Fatima: Fine I'll wait,

She tried pouting to see if I would tell her

Zac: That face is not going to work this time just be patient trust me you're going to love it

Fatima: Alright I am about to head out to work, I guess I will see you and whatever my surprise is later.

Zac: Yes, love you

Fatima: Love you too

I knew she was going to be going back and forth all day trying to figure out what the surprise was. But there's no way she was going to guess this. Me and Michaels grandmother had been texting back and forth and she told me he was in town for the week while his dad was here on business.

I was about to pick up Michael and we're about to have a day filled of fun. I was excited planning everything the big kid in me was ready to have fun too.

I pulled up to Michaels grandmother house he was playing in the yard

I walked up to the gated fence

Grandmother: Michael there is someone here to see you pointing to the gate

Michael looking at the gate he yelled out BEST FRIEND and ran towards Zac and jumped into his arms

Zac: Hey little man you're looking good

Michael: I missed you best friend

Zac: I missed you too, are you excited to see me

Michael: Yes

Zac: Do you want to hang with me for the day then I can bring you back to your grandmother

Michael: Yes!!!

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