A Weight Has Been Lifted

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I couldn't sleep at all last night a lot was going through my mind. I kept asking myself why now, what does he want? Should I just welcome him with open arms, I have so many questions. It's been so long that I had come to terms that he was gone and I would never see him again. I missed so much with him not being there. All the daddy daughter dances, him being there to scare all my boyfriends if they broke my heart. It wasn't the same with my step dad he wasn't genuine it felt forced, like he only did it to please my mother.

I was definitely nervous and every time I thought about it made me sick to my stomach. I was up bright and early I did my morning meditation and worked out. I gave my self a hour every morning to center myself and have my own time with God. It really helped me start the day off right. And Lord knows I was going to need it today.

While Zac was getting ready I tried to tidy up so when we got back that would be one less thing I had to do.

My dad texted to meet at this coffee shop in Buckhead.

Fatima: Hey babe you almost ready to go? (yelling upstairs)

Zac: Yes, I'll be down in a minute.

Fatima: Okay

Zac coming down the stairs, how do I look?

Fatima: You look good

Zac: Okay can't be meeting ya pops looking any kind of way.

Fatima: Really babe trust me that will be the last thing on his mind.

Zac: You only get once chance to make a good first impression.

Fatima: You'll do fine just be yourself. Be the man that I fell in love with.

Zac: I probably should be asking you how you're feeling

Fatima: I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I just really hope his intentions are good and not showing up to flip my world upside down again.

Zac: Let's hope for the best

Fatima: I am, I can't take another heartbreak.

Zac: You won't have to

Coffee Shop

The coffee shop was nice and quiet a perfect place to meet. Zac grabbed my hand and we walked in together. I could see my dad in the back waving to get my attention. I started to feel the flutters in my stomach the closer we got to the table. Zac could sense I was tensed he whispered relax everything is going to be okay.

The man has not aged out all he still look the same as he did when I last saw him when I was 10. Before I could say anything he took me into his arms and hugged me tightly. The flutters and nervousness all went away once he hugged me. I haven't had this embrace in so long.

Dad: Oh my Honey Bee is not so little anymore. I thought I would never be able to hug you again.

Fatima: Dad this is my fiancé Zac, Zac this is my dad Joe.

Reaching out for a handshake, Nice to see you young man

Zac: You as well.

Dad: I'm sure you have a lot of questions so let's get to it. What would you like to know?

Fatima: I want to know why you left me and now after all these years you show up out of the blue.

Dad: Leaving wasn't my choice, I was forced to leave. I am back now because I am tired of watching you from a far.

Your mother said if I didn't stay away she would send me back to prison for good. I already had 2 strikes against me I couldn't afford another one. She made it clear that her family was back together and she wanted nothing to do with me.

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