Therapy Saved Us

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Every relationship has it's ups and downs but it's how you work through them together to overcome every obstacle. It felt like Zac and I were on a rollercoaster everything started off great but along the way came bumps and turns that we were not fully prepared for. Things did happen so fast but we both knew we were meant for each other and this was worth fighting for. So we are taking the necessary steps to better ourselves and our relationship.

I can admit that the dinner ambush with Dr Reid wasn't the best way to go about getting Zac to agree with therapy but it worked. Everything went downhill after dinner to the point we had to take a break. We got to the point where we were not listening and communicating with each other we were letting our emotions get the best of us. Not to mention outsiders didn't make it any better. After taking some time we both realized that we couldn't do this alone. I stated we could find another therapist but Zac actually agreed to go see Dr Reid. Once he put his pride aside he did say that no one has ever been able to get through to him and in the short amount of time he could relate to what Dr Reid was saying. Even though it was hard to hear Zac needed that.

I even needed to hear what he said about me because ya girl was in denial. It's always easy to point the finger at someone else to hide your own issues.

Work had me busy to the point I lost track of time. I had to send Zac a text so he wouldn't forget we had a session tonight with Dr Reid.

Text: Don't forget we have a 5pm session with Dr Reid, please be on time

Zac Text: Thanks for the reminder babe, I'll be there

I had a couple more things to finish up for Andi then I was done for the day. Speaking of Andi she came walking in my office

Andi: I feel like we've both been so busy we haven't been able to catch up.

Fatima: I know between work, school and taking care of home I haven't had much free time.

Andi: How has all that been going?

Fatima: It's actually been going great, we're getting through it together.

Andi: That's good to hear because I am rooting for you both.

Fatima: Thank you Andi, once I finish this last class we will definitely have to go celebrate.

Andi: Yes we do, I know you're going to do well you have been working so hard and it's going to pay off.

Fatima: Yes, I receive it all!

Andi: Well I am going to let you finish up so you can get out of here. I'll talk to you later

Fatima: Okay have a good night.

I finished up the last of my emails and paper work and headed out. I pulled up to Dr Reids office and Zac was already there.

Fatima: You beat me here

Zac: You know I had to be on time, I do not want any smoke from Dr Reid

Fatima: Come on you ready?

Zac: Yes, lets do this (clapping it up with Fatima our infamous hand shake)

Dr Reid: Come right on in make yourselves comfortable. So how have you both been since the last time we met.

We both looked at each other and said great

Dr. Reid: I am glad you both are back for another session I know we have been doing individual and couple sessions. I must say you two have been putting in the work and we are starting to see some things shift in a positive direction. Of course some things take more time but I am happy with your progress so far.

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