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Today was the big day we were going to tell our friends and family the big news. Zac and I were expecting a bundle of joy on the way. We didn't have much family and friends but the ones that are coming are considered family.

I went back and forth if I wanted to invite my mom. I really didn't want her to ruin our special day. I knew one way or the other she would try to put the spotlight on her or just say something off the wall. I prayed long and hard and I decided not to invite her.

We kept the decor cute and simple so that way they wouldn't know what the great news was. I was finally excited I could tell everyone because I was tired of keeping it in. It's crazy to think I am the first of my friends that's having a baby. I need to find some new friends with some babies.

Zac came inside with his cleaning apron on

Zac: Mommie dearest is there anything else I need to clean? I been cleaning for hours

Fatima: No thank you baby you did a good job.

Zac: Are you sure because you know how you are , you be going behind me examining what I did.

Fatima: Babe no I do not

Zac: You really gone sit there and lie to my face gone head and check the base boards and do the finger swipe test to make sure you don't see any dust.

Fatima: I can't help it

Zac: I know you can't that's why I know you're going to check soon as I go upstairs.

Fatima: Don't judge I just like things clean

Zac: I'm not judging I know how you like things plus we have company coming over too. I am about to shower then head to the store. Let me know if you have any last minute things you need me to get.

Fatima: Okay I will send you my small list. The cater is supposed to be here around 2pm so we have some time.

Zac: You want to join me in the shower?

Fatima: No I still have some things to set up.

Zac: Make sure you're not down here moving thing especially heavy things

Fatima: I'm not that's what I got you for

Little did Fatima know I had a surprise for her on top of the surprise we were revealing to our friends and family. I set up a coffee date with her dad. I know I already proposed before but I wanted to get his blessing and do it in front of the people she love.

Zac: Good Morning Mr. Wilson thank you for meeting me

Dad: My pleasure thanks for inviting me

Zac: I really love your daughter and I already proposed to her but now that you are in her life I wanted to do it the right way. I want to ask you for your blessing to marry your daughter?

Dad: Of course son, you have my blessing. I can see that you love her dearly. I see that you make her happy and she light up whenever she is around you.

Zac: Thank you so much I really appreciate it, she has no idea I am doing this.

Dad: I know she is going to be excited.

Zac: Thanks again for meeting me for coffee, I have to head to the store I have a list she gave me.

Dad: Alright I'll see you in a few

I made it to the store I was trying to be in and out, I hate going to the store. You would think we had everything by now as many times Fatima has already been to the store. As I was going down one aisle I noticed Nate ass I turned around so fast the kart was on 2 wheels.

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