Who Are These Bitches

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Zac and Tony pull up to the motel 

Tony: Now don't go in here and act a fool try to remain calm. We don' know what state your brother is in and I don't need both of y'all acting  crazy

Zac: I am gone try my best he just better not say no slick shit 

Tony: You already know how reckless he is, so we just gone go in here and see what he did with the ring then leave

Zac: Alright

They knocked on the door and no one came to the door 

Tony looked through the window and seen Jeremiah laid out on the bed passed out 

Tony: That nigga in there passed out he ain't coming to the door 

Zac busted in the door 

Motel Clerk: You gone have to pay for that sir 

Zac: Yeah Yeah 

Zac walked into the room 

Zac: This shit is ridiculous 

Tony: He is high out of his mind 

Zac: Jeremiah wake yo ass up 

Clerk: Hopefully he's not dead he's been in here all day like this. I seen people coming in and out all day  

Zac went in the bathroom filled the ice bucket up with ice cold water and splashed it in Jeremiah's face 

He thought he was drowning 

Zac: Jeremiah I'm only gone ask you this once where is Fatima's ring

Jeremiah looking around all clueless 

Jeremiah: Ring what ring 

Looking at his hand 

Jeremiah: I don't have no fucking ring on my finger 

Placing his hand in the air 

Zac smacked his hand down 

Zac: Don't fucking play dumb with me you might be high as hell but you know what the hell I am talking about 

Jeremiah: Oh you talking about that nice ass rock that was shining sitting on the kitchen counter. Oh yeah I took that bitch and guess how much I got for it $100 

Jeremiah busted out laughing hysterically which pissed Zac off even more 

Zac didn't say a word he just started punching Jeremiah. He didn't care where he was hitting he wanted to fuck Jeremiah up.

Tony was struggling to pull Zac off of Jeremiah 

Tony: Jeremiah where did you sell the ring at 

Jeremiah wiping the blood from his mouth 

Jeremiah: Fuck you barber boy 

Tony: I'm trying to help yo ass but I can let him go if you like. Now where the fuck did you pawn the ring 

Clerk: All the crackheads go down the street to this place called Everything Pawn they will take just about anything and I mean anything. And they're 24 hours so I know that's where he went

Tony: Thank you why didn't you just say that in the first place

Clerk: Because he needed his ass beat stealing someone's wedding ring and only getting $100. Yeah he needs to be beat some more 

Zac: Really, don't bring yo ass around my family ever again Jeremiah you are dead to me

Tony: You don't mean that man 

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