Therapy Won't Fix This

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I couldn't wait to be my own boss so I could make my own schedule and have people working for me. It's going to happen soon. Zac was sleeping so peaceful I tired to wake him but he didn't budge. I left a note and headed into work.

While I was headed into the office Dr. Reid called and scheduled a last minute session with my mother. As much as I wasn't in the right headspace for this session I said I'll be there. I just hope this won't be a waste of my time. I already had enough going on with trying to finish school I didn't need any more drama.

As I was walking in the building I seen Angela from a far. I hurried up and got to the elevator and pressed the up button. I tried to act like I didn't see her to hold the elevator open. The door closed not today satan. I normally don't close my office door but today I closed it.

Phong Ringing 

Zac: Hey bae I missed you this morning 

Fatima: I tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge 

Zac: Everything okay you sound off

Fatima: I just got a lot on my mind and I just don't want to let this stuff take over my whole day.

Zac: Anything I can help with?

Fatima: Unless you can make some people disappear then you can't help me.

Zac: People like who?

Fatima: Angela, my momma. I'm just trying to finish school so that can be one less thing I have to worry about.

Zac: Well try not to let them dictate how your day  is going to go set boundaries if you need to.

Fatima: I'm trying babe, Dr. Reid called and scheduled a session tonight for me and my mom.

Zac: Oh, well don't think the worse just yet it may go great.

Fatima: You met my mother are we talking about the same women. The same woman who judged you before getting to know you.

Zac: Yes, as you would tell me go into it with an open mind. And if it still doesn't work at least you tried.

Fatima: You're right babe thank you I needed to hear that. Well let me get off here since I have an uninvited guest at my door.

Zac: Okay stay calm and call me if you need me.

Fatima: Okay bye

Come in

Angela: Hey girl am I interrupting anything?

Fatima: I was on the phone with Zac.

Angela. I called you and texted you yesterday.

Fatima: I know I turned my phone off. I had to study with no distractions.

Angela: Time are you still mad about this weekend?

Fatima: I'm not mad I'm just over the whole situation. I'm tired of explaining myself and being ambushed about something I didn't cause.

Angela: You're mad to the point of no forgiving?

Fatima: Yes, I have every right to be. If tables were reversed and she did this shit to you, you would feel some type of way. So no I don't forgive her and at this point I don't want to talk about it anymore. I have work to do.

Angela: Wow, I'm sorry that you feel that way.

Fatima: No you don't Angela you just feel conflicted because you are trying to be a friend to both of us without making someone feel left out. So you don't have to include me in on anything that will be attached to Belinda. I'm DONE!

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