Fatima's Big Heart

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Banging and Screaming!

Boom Boom!

I jumped up out of my sleep what the hell is all that noise? I looked over at Zac his ass was snoring with no care in the world.

Babe wake up, he wouldn't budge. 

I gave him a couple slaps to the face he still wouldn't wake up. I know this nigga ain't knocked out like that. I walked over to the window to see if I seen anyone outside It was too dark.

I think the neighbors were over there fighting, it got quiet for a second then they started up again.

I hit Zac so hard with the pillow he woke up then.

Zac: What the fuck why you hit me?

Fatima: I think something going on next door.

Zac: So that's not my problem you woke me up for that?

Fatima: Yes, he could be hurting her over there

Zac: How you know she not hurting him?

Fatima: Because she had bruises, do you think we should go over there and check it out.

Zac: No, Hell no I think we should mind our own business and go back to sleep.

Fatima: Babe, what if it was me over there.

Zac: But you're not you're over here. You always trying to save people. If that girl wanted to get away don't you think she would have gotten away already.

Fatima: That is not always the case, he could be keeping her locked up we may never know.

Zac: Babe I know you have a big heart and you want to help everyone, they just moved over here and I don't want to insert myself in no one else's business. They probably got into an argument they will sleep it off and everything will be back to normal in the morning.

Fatima: Okay, it going to worry me especially because she is pregnant. And she kind of slipped up today and said this wasn't her first pregnancy but she stopped herself.

Zac: Maybe she lost it, and with you being pregnant I need you to take it easy. Because I would hate to have to fuck someone up over you and my child but I will.

Fatima: You're right, I know you will

Zac: Come on get back in the bed, you know I need to feel you next to me in order for me to go to sleep

Fatima: My big baby 

Zac: You got my baby up come here let me rub and talk to her

Fatima: How do you know it's going to be a girl?

Zac: I don't know I can just feel it and she gone have me wrapped around her little fingers

Fatima: That's for sure, then you gone have to deal with two of me can you handle that.

Zac: Of course they don't call me Zac Daddy for nothing 

He started flexing his muscles 

Fatima: What ever 

Eventually I was able to fall back asleep, I didn't hear any more commotion going on 

The Next Morning

When I woke up Zac had already left for work he left breakfast and a note downstairs. I had the day all to myself since I didn't have to go into work. I was going to do a little self care and shopping, I invited Andi and Angela so we could have a little girl time. 

I decided to go with something comfortable the baby bump was trying to peek through everything I put on. I still can't believe I am pregnant and about to be somebody mama. I can't wait though. 

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