Our Family Is Crazy

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I woke up thinking someone was breaking in, all I heard was stuff being thrown around and drawers were being slammed shut.

Zac: What the hell is going on?

Yelling upstairs

Fatima: Babe have you seen my keys?

Zac: No is that why your down there making all that noise?

Fatima: Sorry I can't find my keys and I'm running late.

Zac: Your keys are right here on the dresser did you even look under this stack of papers?

Fatima: Oh no, thank you baby sorry for waking you up. You can go back to sleep now.

Zac: Naw I'm up now thanks to you. I might as well get up and head to work too.

Fatima: Okay are you going to meet me at the doctors office today?

Zac: Of course I wouldn't miss it

Fatima: Alright I will see you later

I laid back down I just needed about 30 more minutes, I'm tired as hell. Soon as I laid my head on the pillow my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and it was an unknown number so I didn't answer it

A minute later the phone rang again

What the hell man I guess I ain't getting no sleep. Let me get my ass up and get ready for work. I put my phone on silent because I was not in the mood for anyones shit today.

Dressed and ready to head out I walk outside and my fucking tire was flat. And it wasn't your normal flat looks like someone purposely flattened my tire. Fuck man I do not have time to fix this tire. I ended up calling a ride share to work and called Triple A to come out and fix my tire while I was at work.

What else could go wrong today.

When I got to work Bryce was standing by the door with this big ass smile on his face.

Zac: If it ain't good news wait until I get some coffee my morning has already been rough

Bryce: Aw man this is good news. So you know that hotel property we been looking at the last buyers dropped out so now it is back open and they called us first to see if we would like to make an offer.

Zac: Are you serious

Bryce: Yeah man their just waiting for us to call back

Zac: Do you think we are ready for hotels, that's a different ball game

Bryce: Heck yeah do you know how much money we would be bringing in, not to mention we won't have to put much money into fixing it up because it's already to go. I think this would be a good move for us

Zac: Okay I hear you lets do it then hell we only live once and this opportunity might not come around again.

Bryce: We about to be on a whole other bracket talk to me nicely man

Zac: Get out of here, yeah I need this especially since we starting a family ( realizing I should have worded it different)

Bryce: Fatima Pregnant?

Zac: Aw naw man we want to start a family soon I mean after we are married of course.

Bryce: Oh okay I was about to say congratulations

Zac: Naw not yet , Alright let me go get some coffee so I can wake up

Bryce: Yeah so you won't be in here all grumpy

Zac: Man ain't nobody grumpy

Now that I got me some coffee I can officially start my day

Tony came in my office breathing all hard

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