Chapter 1

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Sasuke strode into the classroom and addressed the students in a firm tone, "Please take your seats before I have to force you to do so." Without delay, the class settled into their desks and directed their attention towards him. Upon taking his place at the front of the room, Sasuke caught the attention of a group of girls who couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

As he sifted through a stack of papers, Sasuke called out a name, "Naruto Uzumaki." When there was no response, he let out a sigh of annoyance and muttered to himself, "That idiot." Without hesitation, Sasuke marked Naruto absent.

Sasuke continued taking attendance, calling out the names of each student in turn. "Sakura Haruno," he said, and the pink-haired girl replied with a quick "Here." "Shikamaru Nara," he called out next, and the boy lazily responded with a "Present."

As he went down the list, Sasuke couldn't help but notice that one student was noticeably absent. "Where's Ino Yamanaka?" he asked to no one in particular. Just then, the door burst open and Ino hurriedly made her way to her seat with a sheepish grin.

Finally, Sasuke came to the last name on the list. "Hinata Hyuga," he called out. Unlike her usual shy demeanor, Hinata stood up confidently and replied, "Here, Sasuke-sensei."

Sasuke arched an eyebrow at her unexpected display of confidence but swiftly resumed the class. "Alright, let's begin," he declared, and the students settled in for another day of learning. "Welcome to Public Speaking! Consider this a mandatory pitstop on your road to graduation, so don't fuck up," he added with a smirk, eliciting a couple of gasps that echoed through the room.

Sasuke confidently delved into his public speaking session, his voice resonating smoothly as he explored the art of effective communication. The audience, eager to enhance their speaking skills, listened intently and actively participated by posing questions and sharing insights.

Sasuke found satisfaction in the audience's engagement, reinforcing his commitment to being a proficient speaker and mentor. Despite his reputation as a reserved individual, Sasuke took pride in his capacity to convey knowledge effectively.

As the session neared its conclusion, Sasuke reminded the audience of their upcoming task: delivering a speech on the impact of technology on modern society. "Ensure timely submissions," he advised. "Late presentations will not be entertained."

The students nodded their understanding and began packing up their bags, ready to head out for the day. As they filed out of the classroom, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Maybe teaching wasn't such a bad gig after all.

Just as he was gathering his own belongings, two of the female teachers who had been eyeing him throughout the class approached him with flirty smiles.

"Hey, Sasuke," one of them purred. "We were wondering if you'd like to join us for a drink after school."

Sasuke's expression remained impassive as he replied, "Thank you for the offer, but I have a wife to get back to."

The women's faces fell, and they exchanged disappointed looks before slinking away.

Sasuke shook his head, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement. He had always found it difficult to understand why some people were so obsessed with his brooding demeanor and aloof attitude. All he wanted was to be left alone to do his job.

As he stepped out of his classroom, Sasuke walked down the hallway and caught a glimpse of three of his female students, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata, huddled together and chatting animatedly. Although he tried to ignore their conversation, his sharp senses picked up on their words.

"Come on, Hinata! Let's have a sleepover," Sakura whined, her tone playful.

Hinata let out a soft giggle before shaking her head, "Sakura, you know I can't. My father is very strict about things like that. I can't even have friends over."

Sakura groaned loudly and grabbed Ino's arm, shaking it in frustration. "Ino, convince her to come over to our house," she begged.

Ino looked at Hinata with a pout, pleading, "Please, Hinata!"

Hinata smiled at her friends before shaking her head, "I'm sorry, guys. Plus, I already have plans tonight," she said, gently grabbing their hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze.

Sasuke walked ahead when he accidentally collided with Karin, another teacher at the school. No matter how many times he reminded her that he had a wife, she didn't seem to care.

"Sasuke!" Karin exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pressing it against her chest. "How was class, handsome?" Her tone was seductive, making Sasuke feel uncomfortable.

He retreated his arm and tried to walk away, but Karin wasn't done yet. She grabbed his arm again and leaned up to his ear. "Why don't you stay after school and we can 'grade papers' together?" Her breath against his ear made him cringe.

"I have plans with my wife," Sasuke said nonchalantly, trying to keep his voice even.

Karin pouted. "But don't you have papers to grade?" she asked, trying to convince him.

Sasuke shook his head. "I can do those at home, Ms. Uzumaki. Now, please let go of me," he said firmly, hoping she would finally get the message.

Karin reluctantly let go of him and pouted. "Also, tell your cousin to actually come to class this time," he added before walking away towards the teachers' lounge.

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke as he walked into the teachers' lounge. "Karin again?" he asked, a knowing look in his eye.

Sasuke simply nodded before walking over to the refrigerator and retrieving his lunch. He opened the bento box that his wife had made for him and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth before he returned to his usual stoic demeanor.

"Ah, how I wish I had a wife," Kakashi lamented, eyeing Sasuke's bento box.

Sasuke smirked at him. "Go get one then," he said, taking a bite of a tomato slice.

Kakashi chuckled. "Easier said than done," he replied, grabbing his own lunch from the fridge.

"I suppose you're right," Sasuke said, finishing his lunch and placing the bento box back in the fridge. "I should get going. It's my anniversary tonight, and I haven't even bought my wife a gift yet."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Anniversary, huh? Congrats, Sasuke. What are you planning on getting her?"

Sasuke shrugged. "Not sure yet. I was thinking of stopping by the flower shop on the way home."

Kakashi nodded. "A classic choice. Good luck with that, and don't let Karin bother you too much."


Sasuke waited anxiously by the front door, his heart beating fast in anticipation. In his hands, he held a bouquet of delicate white flowers, carefully arranged into a beautiful arrangement.

The door finally opened, and in walked a beautiful woman, her long dark hair cascading down her back. "I'm home," she said absentmindedly, not paying much attention to her surroundings.

But as she looked up and saw the flowers in Sasuke's hands, her eyes widened in surprise. "Sasuke...what's all this?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Sasuke took a deep breath, the weight of the moment heavy on his shoulders. "Happy anniversary, Hinata," he said, his voice low and husky.

This is college!!

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