Chapter 17

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Hinata stirred in her sleep, feeling the weight of something on top of her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Simba, their orange tabby cat, lying on her chest and purring loudly. She groaned, scaring him off her and sat up, feeling a little disoriented. As she looked around the room, her gaze fell on the clock on Sasuke's nightstand, and her eyes widened in alarm. She was late for school.

But then she noticed a note on the nightstand, written in Sasuke's neat handwriting. It read, "Hinata, stay home today and relax. You deserve a break after everything that's happened recently. Love, Sasuke." Hinata smiled at the thoughtfulness of her husband and turned to Simba, who was now looking at her with curious eyes.

She reached out and stroked his soft fur. "Looks like we have a day off, Simba," she said, her voice soft and gentle. Simba purred in response and rubbed his head against her hand. Hinata laughed at his affectionate gesture and got out of bed, feeling grateful for the unexpected day off.

As she made her way to the kitchen, she thought about what she could do to relax. Maybe she could read a book, take a hot bath, or even just watch a movie. But first, she needed to feed Simba.

She opened a can of cat food and scooped it into his bowl, watching as he eagerly devoured it. After he finished, she decided to make herself some breakfast and sat down at the table with a plate of eggs and toast.

As she ate, she thought about Sasuke and how lucky she was to have him in her life. Even though they had been through some rough patches, he always knew how to take care of her and make her feel loved.

Feeling content, Hinata decided to spend the rest of the day taking care of herself and enjoying the little things in life. And with Simba by her side, she knew it would be a good day. But despite enjoying her day, Hinata couldn't help but miss Sasuke's presence. She missed his warmth, his touch, and the way he made her feel safe and loved. She looked at Simba, who was now sleeping soundly beside her, and wished Sasuke was there with them.

She picked up a novel she had been meaning to finish and settled into a comfortable chair by the window. The soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

As she immersed herself in the pages, Hinata lost track of time. The captivating story took her to different worlds, momentarily whisking her away from the concerns of reality. Simba curled up on her lap, purring softly, adding to the overall sense of serenity.

Eventually, hunger pangs pulled Hinata out of her literary escape. She decided to treat herself to a delightful lunch. In the kitchen, she found fresh ingredients and inspiration struck. She decided to prepare one of Sasuke's favorite dishes, a reminder of him even in his absence.

The aroma of the meal filled the house, and Simba, with his keen sense of smell, lingered in the kitchen, anticipating a potential treat. Hinata couldn't help but smile at his hopeful expression. She set a small plate aside for him, indulging Simba with a special treat to accompany her own meal.

After lunch, Hinata decided to spend some time tending to her garden. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a therapeutic backdrop. Gardening had always been a calming activity for her, a way to connect with nature and find solace in the simplicity of life.

As she worked among the blossoms, her mind wandered to Sasuke. She wondered what he was doing at school, whether his day was going well. Despite the distance, their connection remained strong, and the thought of him brought a smile to her face.

Coming back inside Hinata decided to take a soothing bath. She filled the tub with warm water, adding a few drops of lavender oil for an extra touch of tranquility. As she sank into the fragrant water, she closed her eyes, allowing the tension to melt away.

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