Chapter 4

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On Monday, Sakura put her plan into action. She walked up to Hinata and greeted her with a smile. "Hey Hinata!" she said, drawing the other girl's attention.

Hinata couldn't help but notice Sakura's revealing shirt and asked, "Oh hi! Um...What's up with your shirt?"

Sakura smiled even wider, adjusting her shirt to accentuate her cleavage. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to wear it," she replied, her voice filled with confidence.

Hinata hummed, holding a book up to her chest. "Well, it looks good," she said softly, admiring Sakura's boldness. She had always thought Sakura was a pretty girl and was a bit envious of her self-assurance.

As they entered the classroom, Hinata couldn't help but notice how Sakura had strategically positioned herself in the front row, leaning forward in her seat and staring intently at Sasuke. However, Sasuke seemed completely absorbed in his computer work and didn't seem to notice Sakura's presence.

Sasuke stood at the front of the classroom, his eyes focused on the students before him. He initiated his public speaking session, delving into the intricacies of the topic they were covering. Sakura, seated in the front row, couldn't resist flipping her hair and nibbling on her pencil, attempting to draw Sasuke's attention.

But Sasuke remained professional and ignored her attempts, continuing with his lecture. Hinata, sitting next to Naruto, noticed Sakura's behavior and whispered to him, "What is Sakura doing exactly?"

Naruto let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. "She's trying to get Sasuke's attention. She really likes him," he replied in a hushed tone.

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise, as she had no idea that Sakura had real feelings for Sasuke. She always thought it was just a small crush. She glanced over at Sasuke and saw that he was completely focused on teaching, seemingly unaware of Sakura's presence.

Hinata's expression turned to one of concern as she glanced over at Sakura. "That's not a good idea," she said softly. "Sasuke is married and he's also our teacher."

Naruto nodded in agreement. "I've already told her that, but she doesn't seem to care. She thinks she can win him over with her looks and charm."

Hinata shook her head, feeling a pang of disappointment for her friend's misguided actions. "I hope she realizes that it's not worth risking her reputation and academic standing for a crush," she said.

Meanwhile, Sasuke continued his lecture, his eyes scanning over the students in front of him. He noticed Sakura's behavior but chose to ignore it, as he didn't want to encourage any inappropriate behavior from his students.

After the other students left the classroom, Sakura lingered behind and approached Sasuke. "Mr. Uchiha," she said softly, gazing at him with her green eyes. Sasuke hummed in response, but continued to erase the chalkboard without looking at her.

"I was wondering if you could tutor me?" Sakura asked, leaning slightly on his desk and watching his back. Sasuke paused and turned to face her. "What subject?" he inquired.

Thinking quickly, Sakura replied, "Math." Although she was actually doing well in all of her classes.

Sasuke resumed wiping the board. "Then ask the math teacher. I'm sure Kakashi would love to help," he suggested.

Sakura cringed at the thought. "Kakashi is a pervert. I don't feel comfortable with him, that's why I asked you," she explained.

Sasuke finally turned around to face her fully, looking directly into her eyes and refusing to glance down at her revealing shirt. "Sakura, first of all, I'm a public speaking instructor, not a math teacher. While I could assist you, to be honest, I'm not inclined to," he said, leaning over to jot something down on a slip of paper on his desk.

Sakura's heart sank at the rejection. But Sasuke wasn't done yet. "Secondly, your shirt is breaking the dress code," he continued, handing her the slip of paper. "If you wear something like this again, I'm going to have to send you to the front office."

Sakura's face turned bright red as she took the note from Sasuke's hand. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Uchiha. I didn't know it was breaking the dress code," she stammered.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her. "You didn't know? Sakura, it's common knowledge that revealing clothing is not allowed in school."

Sakura hung her head in embarrassment. "I just wanted to impress you," she admitted softly.

Sasuke sighed and shook his head. "Sakura, I'm married. Even if I weren't, I would never date one of my students. It's completely inappropriate and unprofessional."

Sakura looked up at him with sad eyes. "I understand, Mr. Uchiha. I'm sorry for my behavior. It won't happen again," she said before turning to leave the classroom.

Sasuke sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He could already tell that Sakura was going to be an issue, and he was not looking forward to dealing with another fangirl. He was lost in thought when he heard the door open and instinctively said, "Ms. Uzumaki, I told you, I have a wife."

But when he turned around, he realized that it was actually Hinata at the door. He felt a wave of relief wash over him and quickly apologized. "Hinata, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else."

Hinata smiled softly, understanding her husband's predicament. "It's okay, Sasuke. I just wanted to drop off your lunch. You left it at home this morning."

Sasuke nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Hinata. I really appreciate it."

Just as Hinata turned to leave, Sasuke reached out and gently took hold of her wrist, causing her to turn back to him in surprise. "Want to eat lunch with me?" he asked, his gaze fixed on her.

Hinata felt a flutter of excitement in her chest at his invitation, quickly nodding in agreement. She sent a hasty text message to her friends, letting them know she would be studying in the library during lunchtime.

Sasuke walked over to the door of his classroom, locked it, and pulled down the shade before turning back to face Hinata. She could feel her heart racing as he stepped closer.

Their eyes locked in an intense gaze, and Hinata's heart skipped a beat as Sasuke leaned in to kiss her. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to be swept away by the sensation of his lips on hers. Suddenly, he lifted her up into his arms and set her down on his desk, gripping her thighs as their kiss continued.

Hinata wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and savoring the moment. However, a nagging feeling of guilt began to creep up on her, reminding her that they were still in a classroom.

Breaking away from the kiss, she smiled softly at Sasuke. "As much as I'm enjoying this, maybe we should stop. We are in a school, after all."

Sasuke simply hummed in response before pulling her back in for another kiss, not wanting to let go of the moment just yet.

Their lips met in a passionate embrace, their bodies pressed close together. Hinata felt herself getting lost in the moment, forgetting about everything else around them.

But just as things were heating up, there was a sudden knock on the door, and they heard Karin's voice calling out, "Sasuke, you in there?"

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