Chapter 6

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Sasuke rose from the bed, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him as he looked at Hinata, who had dozed off. A small smile played on his lips as he gazed at her. She is the love of his life, and he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. He couldn't quite pinpoint how it happened, but he knew that he was consumed by his love for her. Every part of him belonged to her, and she belonged to him.

Sasuke let out a sigh as he remembered that he had papers to grade. He reluctantly tore his gaze away from Hinata and walked over to his desk, feeling a sense of dread settle in the pit of his stomach. Teaching wasn't just a job for him; it was a passion, but grading papers was the worst part of it. He picked up a stack of papers and started grading, his mind wandering back to Hinata.

As he read through the essays, he couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have her in his life. Hinata was his rock, his support system, and his everything. He didn't know how he would survive without her. Sasuke shook his head, pushing away those thoughts, and focused on the task at hand.

Hours later, Sasuke had finally finished grading all the papers. He stretched his arms, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from sitting for so long. He turned around to see Hinata still sleeping peacefully in their bed. He walked over to her, taking in the sight of her serene face. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before heading to the bathroom.


Hinata walked into the school with a bright smile on her face, greeting her friends as they met up to head to class. They couldn't help but notice her joyful expression and asked her what was causing it. Hinata let out a contented sigh and held her books close to her chest. "I just love my boyfriend so much!" she exclaimed.

Ino and Sakura exchanged knowing smirks. "He must have given you a good time last night, huh?" Sakura teased.

Hinata blushed and avoided eye contact.

"It's always the shy ones," Ino added with a laugh.

Sakura nodded in agreement.

Naruto approached them looking unhappy, and his friends quickly noticed.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Hinata asked, showing concern as she gently touched his arm.

Naruto couldn't bring himself to look at her, the memories of the previous night flooding back into his mind. The worst part was that his hormones had gotten the best of him, and he felt guilty about it.

Hinata looked at Naruto with a worried expression. "Naruto, what's going on?" she asked, still holding onto his arm.

Naruto shifted uncomfortably. "I just...had a rough night," he muttered, avoiding eye contact with the girls.

Ino raised an eyebrow. "Rough night, huh? What happened?" she asked teasingly.

Naruto's face turned red with embarrassment. "It's...nothing I really don't want to talk about," he said, hoping they would drop the subject.

Hinata sensed his discomfort and decided to change the topic. "Hey, let's focus on getting to class," she said cheerfully, leading the way. Naruto followed behind, grateful for the change of subject.

As they reached the classroom, Sakura hurriedly took her seat in the front row, hoping to catch Sasuke's attention.

Sasuke walked into the classroom, donned in a sharp suit and tie, nodding greetings to the students as he made his way to the front. As he began his public speaking class, Sakura found herself daydreaming about the charismatic teacher.

While Sasuke spoke about the art of effective communication, Sakura's mind wandered into fantasies of what it would be like to be his wife. She pictured herself walking hand in hand with him, attending eloquent dinners, and exploring the world. Lost in her daydreams, she didn't even notice when Sasuke called on her to answer a question.

Sakura's face turned red as she realized she hadn't been paying attention. "Uh, sorry," she stammered. "What was the question again?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, a hint of annoyance on his face. "I asked which historical figure significantly influenced public speaking."

Sakura quickly racked her brain, trying to remember the answer. She had studied for this, but her mind was elsewhere. "Um, was it... Cicero?"

Sasuke nodded, acknowledging her correct answer. "Yes, it was Cicero. Good job. Please stay focused, Sakura; this is crucial information."

Sakura hung her head, feeling embarrassed. She knew she had let her fantasies interfere with her studies, and she felt ashamed. As she looked up at Sasuke, she made a silent vow to concentrate on her schoolwork and impress him with her intelligence.

As the class continued, Sakura tried her best to concentrate on Sasuke's lecture. She scribbled notes furiously, determined to catch up. But every time she looked up and saw Sasuke's intense gaze, she felt a flutter in her heart. She knew it was impractical to long for a married man, but she couldn't help herself.

Meanwhile, Hinata sat quietly in the back of the classroom, listening attentively to Sasuke's lesson. She felt a sense of pride watching her husband teach with passion and expertise. They had been married for a year, keeping it a secret to avoid gossip and speculation.

As Sasuke paused to take a drink of water, he noticed Hinata sitting in the back. His heart skipped a beat as he remembered their secret. Clearing his throat, he turned his attention back to the lesson. "Hinata, can you tell me a key element of effective public speaking?" he asked, hoping to distract himself.

Hinata nodded, recalling the answer. "It's connecting with your audience," she replied confidently.

Sasuke smiled, impressed. "Very good, Hinata. You're always on top of things," he complimented, hiding the affection he felt for her.

Blushing, Hinata whispered softly, "Thank you, Sasuke-Sensei," feeling a mix of pride and happiness at her husband's praise.

As the class continued, Sasuke couldn't help but steal glances at Hinata from time to time. He felt a sense of comfort and ease whenever she was around, and he knew that he could always rely on her. Despite the challenges they faced as a couple, Sasuke felt grateful to have Hinata by his side.

As the class ended, Hinata gathered her things and walked up to Sasuke's desk once everyone was out of the class. "That was a great lesson, Sasuke. You're an amazing teacher," she said, smiling warmly at him. She pulled out a bento box and handed it to him.

After accepting the bento box from Hinata, Sasuke smiled back at her. "Thank you, Hinata. I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson. And thanks for the lunch," he said, feeling grateful for her kindness.

As Hinata left the classroom, Sasuke couldn't help but wonder when they would be able to finally reveal their marriage to the world. He knew that it would be a difficult decision, but he also knew that they couldn't keep it a secret forever.


Karin observed Hinata and Sasuke engaged in conversation, pondering the source of the tenderness in Sasuke's gaze. It left her questioning why he couldn't look at her in the same manner. From Karin's perspective, it seemed as though they shared a deep history. However, Sasuke had only recently transferred to their school the previous year, and Hinata was his student, adding an extra layer of confusion to the situation.

As Karin watched Hinata interact with Sasuke, she couldn't help but notice the subtle signs — the blush on Hinata's cheeks, the ease with which Sasuke carried himself in her presence. This behavior struck her as peculiar for a married man, especially one who had rejected her due to his marital status. So, why was he not rejecting Hinata?

When Hinata handed Sasuke a bento box, Karin's curiosity deepened. She couldn't shake the question of who Hinata really was. While knowing that Hinata was friends with her idiotic cousin, Karin found herself asking, "Just who are you, Hinata Hyuga?" She observed as Hinata left Sasuke's classroom.

Karin continued to watch as Sasuke opened the lunchbox, pulling out a note placed on top. Reading it, his lips twitched up in a light smile. A glower formed on Karin's face as she crossed her arms, walking away. 'You better hope you never gave Sasuke that lunchbox, Hinata,' she thought, her footsteps echoing down the hall.

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