Chapter 22

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Ino tightened her grip on Sakura's arm, refusing to release her from the good-natured confrontation. "Ah, come on, Sakura, it was just a joke," she reiterated, the mischievous glint in her eyes undeterred.

Sakura's glare deepened, her displeasure evident. "He's such a perv. Have you seen the books he reads... in class?" she scoffed, gesturing discreetly towards Kakashi.

Hinata couldn't help but release a small, stifled giggle, and Ino's smirk grew wider, sensing an opportunity to playfully prod at Sakura's expense. "And how would you know what's in that book, Sakura?" Ino teased, her tone dripping with playful insinuation.

Embarrassment painted Sakura's cheeks a rosy hue, and she averted her gaze, feeling momentarily exposed. "Because, to me, I think you might be the closet perv," Ino continued, amusement evident in her voice.

Sakura rolled her eyes in response. "Please, Ino. You're the one who's always talking about guys and their six-pack abs."

Ino scoffed, adopting an exaggerated expression of disbelief. "Hey, I appreciate a good body. But that's not the same as reading those books in public. Kakashi-sensei is just shameless."

Hinata found herself caught between amusement and a desire to diffuse the tension. She chimed in, offering a light-hearted perspective, "I don't know, I think it's kind of funny. Maybe he just likes to keep things interesting."

Sakura shook her head, dismissing the notion. "Interesting? More like creepy."

As the trio continued to walk away, Ino couldn't resist squeezing in one more jab. "Come on, Sakura. Admit it, you're just jealous that I noticed Kakashi-sensei first." Sakura responded with a nonchalant eye roll, choosing not to dignify Ino's comment with a verbal retort. Hinata, however, couldn't suppress the smile that played on her lips, thoroughly enjoying the playful banter that defined her friendships.

As the trio navigated through the bustling mall, the banter gradually subsided, giving way to a more casual conversation. Yet, the lingering playful tension still hung in the air. Suddenly, Kakashi, their enigmatic sensei, emerged seemingly out of nowhere, strolling up to join the group with his usual nonchalant demeanor.

"Hey, everyone," Kakashi greeted, his visible eye curving in a subtle smile that hinted at amusement. "Enjoying your day at the mall?"

Ino, always quick with words, responded first. "Oh, you know, just the usual—hunting for sales, avoiding crowded food courts. The glamorous mall life."

Hinata nodded in agreement, offering a soft smile. "Yes, it's been quite nice."

Kakashi's gaze, however, seemed to linger a moment longer on Sakura. Whether by coincidence or intention, he focused his attention on her, his tone taking on a slightly teasing edge. "Sakura, any new books catching your eye? Perhaps something more interesting than my reading choices?"

Sakura shot him an exasperated look, clearly not in the mood for more teasing. "Please, Kakashi-sensei, spare me. Your taste in literature is an adventure I'm not ready for."

Ino, seizing the opportunity, nudged Sakura playfully. "Oh, come on, Sakura. Maybe he's just looking for some book recommendations."

Kakashi chuckled, a sound muffled by the lower half of his face. "Well, I'm always open to suggestions. Maybe I'll find a book that doesn't make my students cringe."

As the conversation continued, Kakashi's eyes lingered on Sakura a touch longer, his attention subtly drawn to her. Ino and Hinata exchanged knowing glances, sensing a dynamic between their friend and their sensei that went beyond the surface.

Ino, never one to let a moment slip away, couldn't resist adding, "Who knows, Sakura might have just the book to elevate your reading choices, Kakashi-sensei."

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