Chapter 20

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"I knew it," Karin laughed, "I knew there was something more going on between you and your student."

Sasuke stood up, his expression hardening. "Ms. Uzumaki," he began, but he was interrupted by his mother.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mikoto asked.

Karin's expression faltered for a moment as she realized that Sasuke's mother was standing right beside her. "Oh, I'm Karin Uzumaki. I work with Sasuke at the university," she said, trying to sound confident.

Mikoto raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. "And what business do you have with my son and his wife?" she asked, emphasizing the last word.

Karin's eyes widened in surprise as she realized that Hinata was Sasuke's wife. "Wife?" she repeated incredulously. "You're married to one of your students? I'm going to report this to the university!"

Mikoto's eyes narrowed, and her expression turned cold. "I don't think you understand the situation here, Ms. Uzumaki," she said, her voice sharp and icy. "My son is a responsible adult who is perfectly capable of making his own decisions. And as for Hinata, she is a smart, talented young woman who has worked hard to get where she is today. I don't appreciate your insinuations or your threats, and I suggest that you keep your opinions to yourself in the future."

Karin's mouth hung open in shock as Mikoto put her in her place. She had never been spoken to so harshly before, and it left her feeling small and insignificant. She tried to say something, but the words caught in her throat, and she found herself at a loss for words.

Sasuke placed a comforting hand on Hinata's back, silently letting her know that he was there for her. He knew how much she had struggled to get to where she was today, and he wasn't about to let anyone belittle her accomplishments.

Mikoto turned to Sasuke, her expression softening. "Don't worry about her, Sasuke. She's just a crazy woman with nothing better to do than stir up trouble," she said, her voice gentle.

Sasuke nodded, feeling relieved. He knew that his mother had a way of putting people in their place, and he was grateful for her support.

Hinata smiled gratefully at Mikoto, feeling a sense of warmth and acceptance emanating from the older woman. She had always been nervous about meeting Sasuke's parents, but Mikoto's kindness had put her at ease.

As Karin walked away, muttering under her breath, Hinata couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She realized that some people would never be happy, no matter what they had or who they were with. All she could do was focus on her own happiness and let the rest fall into place.


Hinata's worried expression didn't fade as they entered their hotel room for the night. She glanced over at Sasuke, hoping for some reassurance. "What do you think Ms.Uzumaki is going to do now that she knows that we are married?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Sasuke let out a heavy sigh as he placed the bag on the bed. "Hopefully nothing," he replied, sitting down on the bed and running his fingers through his hair. He knew that Karin was unpredictable, and he couldn't predict how she would react to the news of their marriage.

He reached out and took Hinata's hand, pulling her gently towards him. "Don't worry, Hinata," he said softly. "I'll call Itachi to take care of it."

Hinata's eyes widened in surprise. "Itachi?" she repeated, confused.

Sasuke nodded. "If Ms.Uzumaki causes any trouble, he'll take care of it," he explained, his voice low.

Hinata looked at Sasuke with a mix of concern and disbelief. She knew that Sasuke's brother was involved in some shady business, but she never imagined that he would resort to violence to solve their problems.

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