Chapter 23

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Hinata and Sasuke sat there, their bodies still glistening with sweat, staring at each other with a mixture of emotions. Uncertainty, nervousness, and a tinge of guilt hung in the air.

Hinata bit her lip, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she spoke up. "It's okay, right? I mean, one time won't hurt anything, right?"

Sasuke ran his hand through his hair, a deep furrow between his brows. "It was a lot, Hinata," he said, his voice heavy with concern.

Hinata's blush deepened at his words, and she averted her gaze, feeling a knot form in her stomach. "Well, it was going to happen sooner or later," she said, trying to lighten the mood.

Sasuke looked at her, his expression softening. He knew that what they had done couldn't be undone, but he couldn't bring himself to be angry or upset with Hinata. He had wanted her just as much as she had wanted him.

"I know," he said finally, taking her hand in his.


Sakura and Ino decided to grab dinner after a day of shopping with Hinata, who declined the invitation, having promised her boyfriend a dinner date. The ramen restaurant buzzed with activity as the two friends sat across from each other, slurping noodles.

"I'm dreading tomorrow," Sakura groaned, her mood evident in her voice.

Ino chuckled and teased, "But isn't seeing Kakashi-sensei worth it?"

Sakura scowled at her friend. "No... Why are you so insistent on getting Mr. Hatake and me together?"

Ino shrugged, leaning on her palm and smiling. "Why not? You want a hot teacher, right? Kakashi-sensei is not only hot but...single," she said, moving her other hand to poke Sakura's nose. Sakura glared at her before her finger could fully touch.

"You do know that I just got rejected by Sasuke-sensei, right?" Sakura sighed.

"Bitch, you need to get over him. Seriously. It's getting kinda annoying, Sasuke this, Sasuke that. Like, please," Ino scoffed before looking at her bowl again and rolling her eyes.

"But don't you ever wonder who has captured his heart?" she added, looking up at Ino.

Ino considered the question before shrugging. "I don't really care that much. I don't see him that way," she replied.

Sakura let out a dramatic sigh. "I just need to find out," she said, her determination clear in her voice.

Ino shook her head. "You know, it's not healthy to obsess over someone like that," Ino said, her tone gentle. "Especially someone who rejected you."

Sakura frowned, feeling a bit defensive. "I'm not obsessed; I just want closure," she insisted.

Ino raised an eyebrow. "Closure? You're not in a relationship with him, Sakura. What kind of closure are you looking for? Girl, just move on. Accept that you and Sasuke-sensei will never be. But Kakashi-sensei is different. He seems interested in you."

Sakura cringed a little. "I could never."

"Oh, but you could," Ino said, getting up from her seat. "And you will. I invited him to join us, but I gotta go, so don't screw up your shot." She winked before leaving. Sakura rubbed the bridge of her nose while debating whether she should also just leave or if she should stay. Before she could make up her mind, the seat next to her pulled out, scraping on the ground.

"Where's Ino?" a deep voice said.

Sakura looked at him in shock. "Oh, um. She had an emergency."

"So it's just us?" Kakashi said.

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