Chapter 29

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Kin had always been indifferent to Hinata. They didn't engage in much conversation, but Hinata appeared to be a pleasant girl, at least on the surface. That is, until Kin witnessed something that shattered her perception.

The image of Sasuke and Hinata sharing a kiss in his classroom played over and over in Kin's mind. Sasuke, the object of her affections, was not supposed to be entangled with Hinata. The shock and betrayal she felt were almost too much to bear.

In a fit of frustration, Kin found herself standing in front of the bathroom mirror, her reflection mirroring the turmoil within her. "How dare she? How dare she? How dare she!" she muttered through gritted teeth. The intensity of her hatred towards Hinata welled up, and she couldn't contain the surge of emotions.

"I hate you, Hinata! Hate, hate, hate!" Kin's glare at her own reflection intensified as she clutched the bathroom sink, trying to anchor herself amidst the emotional storm.

Just then, the bathroom door burst open, and another person rushed in, hand pressed against their mouth. The newcomer hurried into a stall, the urgent sound of retching echoing through the confined space.

Kin turned her attention away from her reflection, momentarily distracted by the unexpected entrance.

Kin approached the stall with a measured pace, her surprise evident upon discovering the girl she had just been venting about. There she was, leaning against the toilet, seemingly overcome by the same turbulent emotions Kin had been wrestling with only moments ago. Suppressing a smirk, Kin decided to linger, leaning casually against the bathroom wall, her gaze fixed on the distressed figure before her.

"So, who knocked you up?" Kin's tone took on a teasing quality, a sly grin playing on her lips as she addressed the girl in the midst of her vulnerability. The question hung in the air, a deliberate jab laced with both curiosity and amusement.

Hinata wiped her mouth with some toilet paper and looked up at Kin. "I just ate some bad food," she said weakly.

Kin gave her a disbelieving look. "Hinata, you really think I'm going to believe that? Plus, we have our periods at the same time, and you haven't asked me for a tampon once. You always ask for one. If Sakura or Ino are out," she pointed out, crossing her arms.

Hinata let out a sigh, knowing she couldn't keep up the charade any longer. "Okay, okay, but you can't tell anyone," she whispered.

Kin made a show of zipping her lips, and Hinata stood up, flushing the toilet. "I'm pregnant," she admitted softly.

Kin's smirk faltered, even though she tried to hide it. "Wow, are you guys going to keep it?" Kin asked.

Hinata nodded, placing a hand on her flat stomach. "We're really excited about it."

Kin patted Hinata's back. "I'm so happy for you. You're going to be an amazing mother," she said, trying to sound genuine.

Hinata smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you," she replied softly.

"So, have you guys been trying to have a baby or did it just happen?" Kin inquired, hoping to gather more information.

"It kinda just happened," Hinata admitted.

Kin feigned surprise. "Without being married?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Hinata looked away, feeling uneasy. "Actually, we're already married. We just haven't told anyone yet," she confessed, blushing.

Kin's smile faltered momentarily before she regained her composure. "Oh, I see. Well, congratulations on your marriage and your baby," she said. "I'm sure your husband is thrilled."

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