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Hinata stood tall on the stage, her heart filled with a mix of pride and excitement. One by one, she shook hands with the teachers and the principal, graciously accepting her hard-earned diploma. A radiant smile graced her face, even as her round belly peeked out from beneath her graduation gown, a visible testament to the new life growing within her.

Facing the sea of cheering faces in the crowd, Hinata took a deep breath, basking in the warm applause. With a graceful bow, she expressed her gratitude to everyone who had supported her throughout her academic journey. The crowd's cheers only grew louder, their admiration for her accomplishments echoing in the air.

As Hinata stepped away from the spotlight, her steps carried a gentle waddle, a reminder of the precious cargo she carried. The crowd's cheers continued to follow her, a resounding tribute to her resilience and determination.


As the ceremony drew to a close, Sasuke couldn't contain his overflowing emotions any longer. With a mix of pride, love, and sheer happiness, he pulled Hinata into a tender kiss as they made their way out of the gymnasium. Hinata's smile melded seamlessly into the kiss, her heart swelling with affection for the man who had been her rock throughout their journey.

Their embrace was not just a symbol of their shared joy in Hinata's graduation but also a celebration of their growing family. The sight of the expectant couple caught the attention of onlookers, leaving them momentarily shocked as they observed the unabashed display of affection.

Yet, Hinata and Sasuke paid no heed to the curious gazes. Their love and excitement outweighed any potential judgment from others. They had reached a significant milestone, and nothing could dampen their spirits. They felt an overwhelming sense of freedom and accomplishment as they walked hand in hand, the sound of cheers echoing in their ears.

Amongst the crowd, Sakura and Ino's joyful voices rose above the rest, cheering for their friend's triumph. Hinata's heart swelled with gratitude for their unwavering support and their presence on this momentous day.

As the cheers of the crowd enveloped the air, Ino's voice boomed with enthusiasm, "Wooo yeah, Hinata!" Sakura, caught up in the jubilant atmosphere, joined in, their voices merging into a chorus of celebration. "Teacher's wife! Teacher's wife!" Sakura chanted, her cheerfulness contagious. Hinata and Sasuke, caught off guard by the playful teasing, pulled away from each other, a shared smirk and a smile gracing their faces.

Hinata, her eyes gleaming with happiness, directed her attention to her friends. "Thank you," she said, her voice tinged with gratitude. Her hand lovingly cradled her belly, a gentle reminder of the life growing within her. "Congratulations on graduating, all of you," she continued, her words extending to her dear friends who had also achieved this significant milestone.

Sakura and Ino, unable to contain their excitement, immediately enveloped Hinata in a warm hug. The bond of friendship tightened even further as they embraced, sharing in the joy of each other's accomplishments. "You too, Hinata!" Sakura exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. Ino nodded vigorously in agreement, her eyes shining with pride.

Naruto, with Shion by his side, joined the group, his face beaming with pride for his friends. "Congratulations, Hinata," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've come a long way, and I'm so happy to see you achieve your dreams."

Kakashi strolled up to the group, a nonchalant demeanor masking the thoughts swirling beneath his calm exterior. "So, Hinata was your wife all along," he remarked, giving Sasuke a friendly pat on the back. "She's a cutie, that's for sure."

"She's off-limits, Kakashi. Keep your perverted thoughts to yourself."

A chuckle escaped Kakashi's lips, attempting to downplay the tension. "Oh, don't worry, Sasuke. Hinata and I won't be loud when you go to sleep tonight." The smirk on Sasuke's face disappeared as he shot Kakashi a sharp glare, instantly silencing the silver-haired ninja. "Joking, joking," Kakashi added hastily, attempting to ease the awkwardness that hung thick in the air.

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