Chapter 15

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As Hinata walked home, the residual anger from the unsettling ordeal still simmered within her. The weight on her shoulders, however, began to lift as soon as she stepped into their home and laid eyes on Sasuke. His mere presence seemed to act as a soothing balm, erasing the tension that had coiled within her body. She gently opened the door and uttered in a soft tone, "I'm home."

Upon seeing Sasuke standing there, her initial apprehension transformed into an overwhelming sense of relief. Without hesitation, she rushed towards him, embracing him tightly. Though caught off guard, Sasuke instinctively wrapped his arms around her, providing a secure haven. She sighed, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heart.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke inquired, genuine concern lacing his voice.

Hinata, finally pulling away, met his gaze. "Itachi took care of the stalker," she revealed.

A small, comforting smile graced Sasuke's lips. "That's good," he acknowledged, tenderly kissing the top of her head.

"We also found out why he was following me," Hinata continued, and Sasuke, intrigued, raised an eyebrow, awaiting her explanation. "It was Karin, the Physics teacher."

Sasuke sighed in response. "How am I not surprised? I'm sorry, baby," he offered, punctuating his words with another kiss on her head.

Hinata looked up at him, her eyes softening. "It's not your fault you're so attractive," she whispered, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Sasuke chuckled softly, his hand tracing soothing circles on her back. "Well, I'm sorry for being so irresistible," he teased, lightening the mood. Hinata's smile grew, the remnants of her anger dissipating even further. In Sasuke's arms, she found a sanctuary, a place where tranquility prevailed.

As Hinata smiled up at him, her eyes locking with his, Sasuke's presence continued to work its magic, offering comfort in the face of adversity.

"Thanks for being here, Sasuke," she expressed, nestling her head on his chest once more.

"Always, Hinata," he affirmed, holding her close. "I'll always be here for you."

They lingered in each other's embrace, relishing the closeness, before eventually pulling away.

"So, what do we do about Karin?" Sasuke's tone shifted, his expression turning serious.

Hinata contemplated for a moment before responding, "I think we should report her to the principal. This is completely unacceptable behavior, and she shouldn't be allowed to teach if she's going to use her position to harass students."

Sasuke nodded in agreement. "I'll go with you to talk to the principal tomorrow. We'll make sure she gets what she deserves." The determined glint in Sasuke's eyes mirrored Hinata's resolve, and together, they prepared to confront the repercussions of Karin's actions and ensure justice prevailed.


Sasuke sat by Hinata's side, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a gentle illumination on her peaceful form. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest indicated a serene slumber. He couldn't help but marvel at the tranquility that graced her features in sleep, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had recently infiltrated their lives.

Gently, he ran his fingers through her hair, the silky strands slipping through his grasp like threads of reassurance. A sad smile lingered on his lips as his thoughts meandered through the recent events, particularly the unsettling revelation about Karin. He'd harbored an intuition from the start that she would pose trouble, never quite grasping the hint that he held no romantic interest in her.

Politeness had been Sasuke's constant in his interactions with Karin, but her relentless pursuit had escalated to dangerous levels, ultimately culminating in the sinister act of stalking Hinata. Frustration and anger brewed within Sasuke as he ruminated over the trouble Karin had caused, a menace that threatened the peace he had found with Hinata.

Continuing to stroke her hair, Sasuke's gaze softened as he contemplated the profound gratitude he felt for Hinata's presence in his life. She was the one who truly comprehended him, accepting every facet of his being. Leaning down, he placed a tender kiss on her forehead, silently pledging to shield her from any harm that dared to encroach upon their sanctuary.

Lost in thought, Sasuke sat there for a while longer before deciding it was time to seek rest for himself. Carefully, he shifted Hinata's head onto a pillow, ensuring her comfort before rising from the bed. Crossing the room, he approached the window, where the night sky unfolded before him, stars shimmering in the vast expanse.

The unease that lingered in his chest since the Karin incident persisted. Sasuke knew he couldn't let this go unaddressed; he had to ensure Hinata's safety and prevent any further disruptions from Karin. With determination solidifying in his mind, Sasuke resolved to consult with Itachi and devise a plan to handle the situation.

Yet, the present moment demanded respite. Turning away from the window, Sasuke made his way back to the bed, slipping under the covers beside Hinata. As he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close, a profound sense of peace enveloped him. Closing his eyes, Sasuke found solace in the knowledge that Hinata was safe and nestled beside him, their shared warmth creating an impenetrable cocoon against the troubles that sought to disrupt their serenity.


Sasuke stood resolute in front of Karin, his arms crossed, and a stern expression etched upon his face. The office ambiance was charged with tension as Hinata engaged in conversation with the principal, leaving Sasuke to confront Karin about her inappropriate actions. She regarded him with confusion, adjusting her glasses to get a clearer view.

"Mr. Uchiha, I don't understand why we're here," Karin remarked, walking closer and placing a finger on his chest. "Did you just want me alone?" she insinuated, attempting to inject a flirtatious tone into the situation.

Sasuke promptly slapped her hand away, a wry smirk playing on his lips. "Don't flatter yourself, Karin. I didn't bring you here for that," he stated firmly. "I'm here to discuss your behavior towards Hinata. You had someone stalk her, all because of your inappropriate feelings towards me. It's not only unprofessional; it's illegal."

Karin's initial confusion morphed into anger as she grasped the implications of Sasuke's words. "How dare you accuse me of such things!" she spat, her voice escalating in intensity. "I have done nothing wrong!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by her feigned innocence. "Is that so? Then why did you have someone follow Hinata around?" he questioned, his voice maintaining a calm and collected demeanor.

Karin's eyes shifted nervously, acknowledging that her covert actions had been exposed. "I...I just wanted to make sure she wasn't getting in the way of us," she mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

Sasuke's gaze hardened at her admission. "Us? Karin, I am your colleague, and Hinata is my student. There is no 'us'," he asserted firmly. "Your behavior is unacceptable, and I will not tolerate it any longer. I'm going to speak to the principal about having you fired."

Karin's face contorted with rage. "You can't do this to me! I've been working here for a year, and I've never had any complaints!" she screamed, causing Sasuke to take a step back.

Maintaining his composure, Sasuke asserted, "Your actions have consequences, Karin. I won't allow you to continue harassing my student or myself," before turning on his heel and exiting the room. The door closed behind him, leaving Karin seething with frustration, realizing the gravity of her actions and the repercussions she now faced.

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