Chapter 24

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As Hinata, Sakura, and Ino settled into their seats, Naruto greeted them with a wave. Hinata smiled as Naruto gave her a small wink before turning his attention to the front of the classroom.

Meanwhile, Sasuke was focused on his computer, likely preparing for the day's lecture. Despite being her husband, Hinata couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest every time she saw him in his role as the history teacher.

Eventually, Sasuke finished typing and stood up, his sharp eyes scanning the room as he addressed his students with confidence in a deep, commanding voice. "Good morning, class," he announced, prompting a few students to sit up straighter. "Today, we will be delving into the captivating realm of public speaking." He began to walk around the room, his hands clasped behind his back as he spoke. "Effective public speaking is an essential skill that can shape your personal and professional success."

Sasuke paused, his eyes attentively surveying the room once more before continuing. "Public speaking involves more than just delivering a speech. It's about connecting with your audience, conveying your message persuasively, and leaving a lasting impact."

As he spoke, Hinata couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her husband. He was always so passionate about imparting valuable skills to his students, and it was evident in the way he spoke and moved around the room.

Sakura, Kin, Ino, and all the other students were captivated by his lecture on public speaking, their eyes fixated on him with rapt attention. As he shared insights and techniques to enhance their communication abilities, their curiosity heightened, and they leaned in ever so slightly, eager to absorb every morsel of knowledge he had to offer.

As the lesson drew to a close, Sasuke took a moment to summarize the key points, ensuring that his students had a solid grasp of the material. "Remember," he emphasized, his eyes glinting with a sense of determination. "Public speaking is not just a skill; it is a powerful tool that can empower you in various aspects of your life. Embrace it, refine it, and watch how it transforms your ability to influence and inspire." With that, he dismissed the class, and the students began to file out of the room.

Hinata lingered in the classroom after the last bell rang, waiting for the other students to file out before approaching Sasuke, who was tidying up his desk. She leaned in close, speaking in a hushed tone.

"Sasuke, I heard that we have a substitute for my physics class. What happened to Ms. Uzumaki?" she whispered, her eyes filled with concern.

Sasuke paused, looking up at her with a furrowed brow. "Itachi told me that she ran. That's all I know," he replied, his expression unreadable.

Hinata let out a small hum, her mind racing with worry. "I hope he didn't do anything to hurt her," she said softly, her hand hovering nervously over Sasuke's desk.

Sasuke's hand shot out, grasping hers tightly. "I'm sure he didn't do anything to her," he reassured her, his grip firm yet comforting.

Hinata nodded, feeling slightly reassured by her husband's words. She reached into her bag, pulling out a small bento box and holding it out to him.

"You keep forgetting your lunch," she said with a smile, handing him the container.

Sasuke smirked, taking the bento box from her and setting it down on his desk. "Just need an excuse for you to stay after class," he said cockily, his eyes locking onto hers.

Hinata rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile at his playful banter. "I'll see you at home, Sasuke," she said, giving his hand one last squeeze before turning to leave the classroom.


Hinata ran into Sakura and Ino in the hallway. Ino greeted her with a wink, saying, "Hey, girl! Letting Mr. Uchiha know it was another great class?" Hinata giggled and replied softly, "His classes are so interesting. Can you blame me?" She glanced at Sakura, who was focused on someone further down the hall. Hinata nudged her, drawing her attention. Sakura smiled and shook her head, indicating she didn't want to discuss it.

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