Chapter 11

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Hinata walked briskly down the dimly lit street, her senses on high alert. The flickering street lamps cast long shadows that seemed to dance ominously around her. Her heart raced, and an unsettling feeling of being watched lingered in the air. It was as if the shadows themselves were closing in on her.

Caught in her own unease, she nearly jumped out of her skin when Kiba's voice broke through the tension. Turning quickly, she saw Kiba and Shino emerging from the shadows, their expressions reflecting genuine concern.

Startled, Hinata stammered a greeting, her eyes still darting nervously around. "Do you guys see someone behind me?"

Kiba and Shino followed her gaze, detecting the poorly concealed figure attempting to blend with the surroundings. A shared look of determination passed between the two friends before they turned their attention back to Hinata.

"Yeah, who is that?" Kiba's voice was low, carrying an undercurrent of seriousness.

Fear etched Hinata's features as she confessed, "I don't know. I've had this feeling that someone's been watching me for the past three days now."

Concern deepened in Kiba and Shino's eyes. Shino's voice took on a serious tone as he suggested, "Have you considered telling Sasuke about this?"

The weight of Sasuke's current struggles weighed on Hinata's mind, causing her to hesitate. "He's already dealing with so much with his father in the hospital. I don't want to burden him with my problems too," she confessed softly.

Worry etched Kiba's expression. "Hinata, it's not a burden to let your partner know when something is wrong. Sasuke would want to help you. Let's go tell him. We will come with you," he offered gently.

Torn between protecting Sasuke and her own growing fear, Hinata hesitated. "He left to take care of his father, and I promised I would take care of our cat while he's gone. I don't want to leave him alone," she explained, her voice tinged with sadness.

Understanding softened Shino's expression. "I understand. But we can't ignore this either. We need to make sure you're safe."

Kiba nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can keep an eye on you and your house. And we can also talk to the police and see if there have been any reports of suspicious activity in the area," he suggested.

The mention of involving the police triggered a lump in Hinata's throat. "Do you think it's that serious?" she asked, her eyes wide with uncertainty.

"It's always better to be safe than sorry," Shino replied, his voice calm but firm.

Wavering between gratitude for her friends' concern and nervousness about involving the police, Hinata confessed, "I...I don't know. I'm just scared."

Kiba and Shino exchanged a knowing glance. Kiba reassured her, "It's better to let them know and be prepared just in case. We don't want to take any chances with your safety."

Gratitude flooded Hinata, and she offered them a small, appreciative smile. Just as she was about to thank them, her gaze caught an empty space where the shadowy figure had lurked - he was gone.

"Wait, look!" she exclaimed, pointing to the now-vacant lamp post. "He's gone!"

Kiba and Shino turned to look, expressions shifting to relief. "Thank goodness," Kiba sighed. "Maybe it was just some weirdo with nothing better to do."

However, unease lingered in Hinata's heart. "But what if he comes back?" she asked, eyes scanning the surroundings warily.

"We'll be ready," Shino said firmly. "And if he does come back, we'll be sure to let Sasuke and the police know. Your safety comes first."


Sasuke stood by his father's bedside, his gaze lingering on the frail figure lying in the hospital bed. The sterile scent of the medical facility surrounded them, creating an atmosphere filled with both tension and a lingering sense of vulnerability. Fugaku's feeble voice broke the silence, asking about Hinata, his son's wife.

"She wanted to come, but I told her to stay for class," Sasuke replied, a thread of concern woven into his words. He knew Hinata's commitment to her studies, and he didn't want her to sacrifice that dedication for his father's sake.

Fugaku sighed, a weariness evident in his expression as he shifted his gaze towards the ceiling. He understood Hinata's conscientious nature and appreciated her dedication. "She's a good girl," he whispered softly, his voice carrying a sense of admiration.

Sasuke nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Guilt tugged at him for not being able to spend more time with his father during these trying days. "She's been worried about you," he admitted, his voice cracking slightly with the weight of unspoken emotions.

Fugaku managed a weak smile. "I know she has," he acknowledged. "But you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

Despite his father's reassurance, Sasuke couldn't shake the fear of losing him. He pulled up a chair, positioning it next to the hospital bed, and gently took Fugaku's hand in his own. The warmth of their connection provided a small comfort in the otherwise clinical and sterile room.

A moment of heavy silence enveloped them, broken only by the ringing of Sasuke's phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was Hinata. "Excuse me, Father," he said, standing up and walking a few steps away to answer the call. "Hey, how are you doing?" he asked, his voice softened with concern.

Hinata's voice, strained with worry, echoed through the phone. "I'm okay," she assured him. "Just worried about your father."

Sasuke's heart clenched at the sound of her concern. "I know, me too," he admitted, leaning against the cold hospital wall for support. "How was class?"

Hinata released a small sigh on the other end. "It was fine," she replied. "I just wish I could be there with you both."

Understanding her sentiment, Sasuke spoke reassuringly. "I know," he said. "But you're doing the right thing. Focus on your studies for now, and we'll get through this together."

Hinata's voice, barely above a whisper, carried a sense of longing. "I miss you, Sasuke," she confessed.

A rush of emotions surged through Sasuke. He missed her profoundly, a sentiment that went beyond mere words. "I miss you too, Hinata," he confessed, his voice softening. "But we'll be together soon, I promise."

With a final exchange of heartfelt 'I love you's, Sasuke ended the call and walked back to his father's bedside. Squeezing Fugaku's hand, he felt a swell of gratitude for the unwavering support of his family during this challenging time. The sterile hospital room, though clinical and impersonal, was momentarily filled with the warmth of familial connection and love.


The shadowy figure remained steadfast outside the Uchiha household, hidden within the cloak of darkness. Clutching the phone tightly to his ear, he conveyed the urgency of his surveillance. "Yes, she's inside the house now," he whispered with a sense of secrecy, as if divulging classified information. "It looks like she's just house-sitting while the Uchihas are gone."

Peering through the window, he observed Hinata's silhouette, her hands cradling a cat. "Yes, it looks like there's a pet involved as well," he continued his hushed narration. "But I can't shake this feeling that something's not right. It doesn't look like anything weird is happening here, but I can't be too sure."

As he spoke, the figure noticed someone strolling nearby and promptly tilted his hat to obscure his face. Maintaining anonymity was paramount; he couldn't afford to be seen or heard, not until he had extracted the essential information he sought. The anticipation fueled his heart, a silent drumbeat beneath the hushed exchanges on the phone. The Uchiha residence, normally a haven of tranquility, had become the focal point of his clandestine investigation. The interplay of shadows and whispers hinted at a narrative that extended beyond the superficial layers of a seemingly ordinary house-sitting task.

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